Who to Call

When you want to report an animal welfare concern, it is important to know who to call to get the fastest response possible. To help identify who you should call, it is essential that you know the difference between Animal Welfare Concerns versus Animal Control By-law Concerns.
For example:
      - a noise complaint relating to a barking dog is an animal by-law concern.
      - an animal that is deprived of food or water is an animal welfare concern.

The Animal Health and Welfare branch does not provide the following services: 
     - pet adoption and rehoming services  
     - veterinary medical care 
     - transportation services 
     - by-law enforcement 
     - stray animal control
     - legal advice relating to animal ownership disputes
The information below outlines details to help direct your complaint to the appropriate channel.

How to report an animal welfare concern

You can report an animal welfare concern by telephone or by e-mail. 

Reporting by telephone

The table below lists the contact numbers based on your location and concerns. You can also download the Making the Right Call Factsheet (PDF 352 KB).
Making the Right Call Factsheet
CONCERNS Winnipeg, MB Rural MB
Animal By-law Concerns
- noise complaints
- animals running at large
- stray animals
- lost/found animals
- aggressive animals
Call 311 Animal Services Agency, City of Winnipeg Call your local RM, town or city office or your local Animal Control Officer
Animal Welfare Concerns
Reporting members of the public who are:
- not providing animals with shelter, food, water
- not providing critical medical care to an animal when it is suffering or injured
- keeping animals in unsanitary conditions 
Reporting an abandoned animal
Winnipeg Humane Society (WHS)
WHS Emergency Responder
Animal Care Line
Toll free 1-888-945-8001
Rabies Concern (human exposure)
- human exposure to an animal suspected of having rabies
Health Links--Info Santé
Health Links--Info Santé
Toll free 1-888-315-9257
Rabies Concern
- domestic animal exposure to or injured by an animal suspected of having rabies
Call the Rabies Line 204-470-1108
Rehoming Animals Contact your local animal shelter or animal rescue
Injured or Orphaned Wildlife  Wildlife and Fisheries Branch 204-945-6784
Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation 204-510-1855
Wildlife Haven 204-878-3740

Reporting by e-mail

Complete in full the Complainant Intake Form and submit to animalcare@gov.mb.ca. Ensure all important information is included in the complaint. 
1. Citizens can phone Manitoba's Animal Care Line to report their concerns for potential animal abuse or neglect under The Animal Care Act. Citizens will be required to provide their contact information in the event further follow up from the Animal Health and Welfare Branch, under the Chief Veterinary Office (CVO) direction, is required. It is at the discretion of the CVO whether or not anonymous complaints will be followed up with.
2. After all the appropriate information is obtained, it is reviewed to determine if a case number will be generated. If the concerns filed do not fall under the authority of the CVO, they may be forwarded to the appropriate agency (for example; The Winnipeg Humane Society, local police, animal services/control, etc.)
3. Once a case number is generated, it's assigned to an Animal Protection Officer (APO). The APO will proceed with conducting an inspection or investigation to determine the legitimacy of the complaint and appropriate enforcement actions are taken where required. Inspection and investigation results remain confidential and protected under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FIPPA) Act.


All reports are treated with the utmost confidentiality. We do not release names of people who report animal welfare concerns. Your personal information is protected by The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and will remain confidential. 
If you are a witness to animal abuse you may be asked to testify in court.

The Animal Care Line is unable to provide information on outcomes of investigations. You may be contacted if additional information on a report is required.
For more information, please contact the Animal Care Line, or call 204-945-8000 (in Winnipeg); 1-888-945-8001 (toll free).