Relations fédérales provinciales et relations internationales

Accords internationaux - Amérique du Nord



Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between Agriculture and Food, Manitoba, Canada and Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, Durango, Mexico (en anglais et en espagnol seulement)
mars 2001


Memorandum of Understanding between the Foreign Trade Promotion Institute of the State of Jalisco Jaltrade, and Manitoba Trade and Investment, Department of Growth, Enterprise, and Trade, Province of Manitoba (en anglais et en espagnol seulement)
10 novembre 2016

Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the State of Jalisco, United Mexican States on exchange of information and government best practices in the area of fire fighting, training, emergency preparedness and emergency preparedness training (en anglais seulement)
9 novembre 2006

Cooperation Agreement on Trade, Rural Development and Training between the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the Government of the State of Jalisco, Mexico (en anglais seulement)
17 juin 2002

Collaboration Agreement between the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Jalisco, Mexico and the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Government of Manitoba, Canada (en anglais seulement)
18 juin 2002

Addendum to State of Jalisco/Province of Manitoba Cooperation Agreement - Cooperation Agreement between JAL Trade and Manitoba Trade & Investment Corporation (March 9, 2000) (en anglais seulement)
9 mars 2000

Nuevo León

Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the State of Nuevo León, Mexico  (en anglais et espagnol seulement)
juin 2008

Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Manitoba, Canada and the State of Nuevo León, United Mexican States (en angalis et en espagnol seulement) 
1 juin 2006



Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Manitoba, Canada, and the State of California, United States of America (en anglais seulement)
14 décembre 2006


Letter of Intent on Cooperation in Innovation, Economic and Entrepreneurship Development between the State of Georgia and the Province of Manitoba (en anglais seulement)
5 février 2004


Memorandum of Understanding on Economic and Environmental Co-operation Between the State of Illinois and the Province of Manitoba (en anglais seulement)
26 mars 2011

Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Dakota du Nord, Pennsylvanie, New York, Wisconsin, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan

Memorandum of Agreement for State and Province Emergency Management Assistance   (en anglais seulement)
24 janvier 2012


Letter of Cooperation between the Province of Manitoba and the State of Minnesota to Support the Development of an International Birding Trail  (en anglais seulement)
mai 2009

Memorandum of Understanding for Biosciences and Life Sciences Collaboration between the State of Minnesota and the Province of Manitoba (en anglais seulement)
7 juin 2004

Memorandum of Understanding to Protect Water Resources between the State of Minnesota and the Province of Manitoba (en anglais seulement)
13 julliet 2001

Memorandum of Understanding on Trade, Tourism and Economic Cooperation between the State of Minnesota and the Province of Manitoba (en anglais seulement)
juillet 2001

Manitoba-Minnesota Agreement on Educational Cooperation  (en anglais seulement)
19 septembre 1989

Minnesota, Dakota du Nord, Dakota du Sud

Protocol to Establish a Memorandum of Understanding on an Interjurisdictional AMBER Alert Plan for the Protection of Children (en anglais seulement)
26 mai 2006

Memorandum of Understanding for Flood and Drought Mitigation on the Red River (en anglais seulement)
27 avril 2004

Memorandum of Understanding for the Legislators Forum and Steering Commitee (en anglais seulement)
20 mai 2002


Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Missouri and the Province of Manitoba on their shared concerns about water transfers between the Missouri and Hudson Bay Watersheds (en anglais seulement)
25 janvier 2001

Dakota du Nord

Memorandum of Understanding between North Dakota Department of Transportation and Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation to work collaboratively to facilitate improvements at the Pembina-Emerson Port of Entry   (en anglais seulement)
7 octobre  2009

Memorandum of Agreement for the Long Term Maintenance of Buffalo Creek Channel between the Government of Manitoba and the State of North Dakota (en anglais seulement)
11 septembre 2002


Memorandum of Understanding on Trade, Tourism and Mutual Economic Cooperation between the State of Texas and the Province of Manitoba (en anglais seulement)
6 avril 2002


Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration Innovation, Emerging Technology and Enhancement of the Midcontinent Knowledge / “IQ” Corridor (en anglais seulement)
15 octobre 2009

Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota du Nord, Saskatchewan, Dakota du Sud, Nebraska

Letter of Intent to Collaborate (en anglais seulement)
14 mai 2002

Minnesota, Dakota du Nord, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Saskatchewan, Alberta,  Colombie-Britannique

Inland Border Working Group – Governance Terms   (en anglais seulement)
6 avril 2016

Midwest Governors' Association

Energy Security and Climate Stewardship Platform for the Midwest (en anglais seulement)
novembre 2007

Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Accord (en anglais seulement)
novembre 2007

Supporting Memorandum to the "Protocol Among the Members of the Midwest Governors' Association Regarding the Permitting and Sitting of Interstate Electric Transmission Lines in the Midwestern United States" (en anglais seulement)
16 julliet 2005

Western Governors' Association

Memorandum of Understanding on Enhancing Cross Border Cooperation to Fight Wildland Fire between the Western Premiers and the Western Governors' Association (en anglais seulement)
14 septembre 2003

International Carbon Action Partnership

Political Declaration, Lisbon (en anglais seulement)
29 octobre 2007

Kansas City SmartPort, Inc.

Memorandum of Understanding on Inland Port Development between Kansas City SmartPort, Inc., USA and the Province of Manitoba, Canada (en anglais seulement)
14 octobre 2005

Western Regional Climate Action Initiative

Appendix A: Western Regional Climate Action Initiative Agreement (en anglais seulement)
26 février 2007

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USA - Mexique

Memorandum of Understanding between the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance and Member Jurisdictions
3 février 2015

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