Community Service Delivery

The Department's Community Service Delivery (CSD) division is responsible for the delivery of most of the Department's social services and income assistance programs to the public.
The division was established in January 2003 and brings together a number of field delivery networks that were managed and operated separately in the past. Throughout the province, for example, the Department maintained separate Employment and Income Assistance and Regional Operations offices. As well, a number of programs were delivered on a centralized basis within the City of Winnipeg.
The new CSD Division consolidates responsibility for service delivery in order to facilitate a more integrated, holistic and accessible service model that can better address Manitobans' needs.
The CSD division operates through five branches and a Service Delivery Support unit:
Rural and Northern Services
The Rural and Northern Services branch delivers departmental social services, income assistance and child and family services to eligible Manitobans in rural and northern regions of the province.
Winnipeg Services
The Winnipeg Services branch delivers departmental social services and income assistance to eligible Manitobans in Winnipeg in cooperation with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.
Service Delivery Support
The Service Delivery Support unit provides program expertise and support to service delivery management and staff in both Rural and Northern Services and Winnipeg Services.
Provincial Services
The Provincial Services Branch administers income benefit and shelter assistance programs throughout the province.
Manitoba Developmental Centre
The Manitoba Developmental Centre in Portage la Prairie provides long-term resident-centered care and developmental programs for adults with a mental disability.
Winnipeg Child and Family Services
In accordance with The Child and Family Services Act and The Adoptions Act, Winnipeg Child and Family Services provides a comprehensive continuum of child protection and family support services in Winnipeg.
For more information, please contact:
Community Service Delivery Division
119 - 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 4V4
Phone: (204) 945-1634