Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation

Financial Supports For Apprentices and Employers

The Manitoba Government covers the major portion of tuition fees for apprentices when they attend technical/in-school training. This provides apprentices the opportunity to pay much lower tuition fees in comparison to most other post-secondary options. In some cases, employers may also choose to assist their apprentice with tuition fees and books, which makes an apprenticeship a cost-effective education alternative.


Apprenticeship Manitoba

Name of Bursary or Award Eligibility Amount $ Deadline for Application
Access to Apprenticeship Bursary A current apprentice with a demonstrated financial need who has completed year one of technical training. Varies May 31 - annually
Tim McLean Memorial Fund Bursary An Indigenous* apprentice with a demonstrated financial need, who has completed year one of technical training.
Indigenous Ancestry including First Nations, Non-Status, Métis, Inuit
Varies May 31 - annually
High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) Incentive For every 220 hours of practical training (max 880) obtained as an HSAP apprentice, eligible apprentices will receive a tuition exemption for one level of training (to a max of four levels). Varies ongoing

Manitoba Public Insurance

Name of Bursary or Award Eligibility Amount $ Deadline for Application
Apprenticeship Grant Awarded to a registered apprentice that has successfully completed a level of their Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Program or Motor Vehicle Body Painter Program. $2,000 for each level Contact MPI
Apprenticeship Tool Allowance Awarded to a registered apprentice in one of the above programs to help cover the cost of purchasing tools. $5,000 Contact MPI

Service Canada

Name of Bursary or Award Eligibility Amount $ Deadline for Application
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant  Apprentices who have successfully finished their first or second year/level of an apprenticeship program in a Red Seal Trade. $1,000 Contact Service Canada
Apprenticeship Completion Grant Apprentices who complete their training and become certified in a designated Red Seal Trade. $2,000 Contact Service Canada
Canada Apprentice Loan Apprentices are eligible for interest free loans for each period of technical training. $4,000 Contact Service Canada

Canada Revenue Agency

Name of Bursary or Award Eligibility Amount $ Deadline for Application
Tradesperson's Tools Deduction Annual deduction to help cover the cost of new tools necessary to their trade. Applies to tools acquired in excess of $1,000. $500 Contact Canada Revenue Agency
Capital Cost Allowance Applies to depreciable property such as equipment/tools. Tax deduction that lowers the amount of taxes owed by permitting the cost of business related assets to be deducted from your income over a number of years. $500 Contact Canada Revenue Agency
Tuition Tax Credit for Certification Exams Federal tax credit available to skilled workers for examination fees where the exam is required to obtain a professional status, certification or license. Varies Contact Canada Revenue Agency


Province of Manitoba

Name of Bursary or Award Eligibility Amount $ Deadline for Application
Paid Work Experience Tax Credits Employers can claim a percentage of apprentices and newly certified journeypersons wages up to a maximum dollar amount. Up to a maximum of $5,000 Contact Manitoba Tax Assistance Office
Can now be completed on you tax return
Paid Work Experience Tax Credits Overview
  Levels 1 and 2
Levels 1 and 2
Outside Winnipeg
Levels 3, 4, 5 Newly Certified Journeyperson High School Apprentices
Tax Credit

Maximum Credit











Canada Revenue Agency

Name of Bursary or Award Eligibility Amount $ Deadline for Application
Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit (AJCTC) Available to employers who hire apprentices in the Red Seal trades. 10% of salaries or up to $2,000 Contact Canada Revenue Agency


Contact Information

Manitoba Tax Assistance Office
110A-401 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 0P8

Phone: 204-948-2115
Toll Free: 1-800-782-0771

Manitoba Public Insurance
Phone: 204-985-7000
Toll Free: 1-800-665-2410

Service Canada
Toll Free: 1-866-742-3644
Listing of Service Canada Offices

Canada Revenue Agency
Tax Information Phone Service: 1-800-267-6999