
Grant Funding

The following grants are available and subject to budget allocations determined by the provincial government for the fiscal year. Centre and Nursery School applicants must be familiar with the Roles and Responsibilites of a Board and all facilities should review the section on Legal Accountability including Conflict of Interest policies.

For more information about grants, please see the information provided below or contact your Child Care Co-ordinator with any questions.

One-time Grant Funding

Outdoor Early Childhood Education Grant

Outdoor Early Childhood Education Grant Application -  Deadline: February 14, 2025

The Outdoor Early Childhood Education Grant is a one-time grant made available through the Canada-Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Agreement to promote high quality outdoor play experiences for young children aged 0 to 6.

The main goals of the grant are to:

  • Incorporate outdoor education into children's daily curriculum
  • Provide increased opportunity to enhance children's learning and develop a deeper understanding of self through outdoor education
  • Foster authentic connection with the land by incorporating First Nations, Métis, and Inuit histories, cultures, traditional values, and knowledge


All licensed non-profit centres, nursery schools and licensed family or group home providers. This incudes the following mandatory technical requirements for facilities:

  • Provision of care to infant and/or preschool children, whether exclusively or partially
  • Average minimum utilization rate of 80% of licensed spaces
  • Good standing with respect to other granting programs (e.g. Quality Enhancement Grants, Child Care Sustainability Trust, etc.)


The three funding streams are available:

  1. Professional Learning: Intended to support participation in professional learning and training opportunities with a pedagogical focus on outdoor and land-based approaches.
  2. Outdoor Space Enhancement: Intended to improve the facility's outdoor space and/or infrastructure, to encourage outdoor exploration, support young children's development and engagement, increase accessibility, and incorporate the unique benefits that playing outdoors could offer. Enhancements and renovations should continue to align with existing codes, regulations, child care design guidelines, and leasehold agreements.

    NOTE: For home-based providers, only 50 per cent of individual project costs can be claimed for investments to the home that improve shared spaces, which are spaces used by the home when the children are not present. This includes, but is not limited to, fencing, paving, walls, gates, patios and sod.

  3. Materials and Equipment: Intended to provide the necessary materials and equipment to enable children and staff to participate in regular and repeated outdoor play, across the seasons, in all weather, and for extended periods of time. Funding may also be used to encourage family and community involvement in enriching outdoor play practices and pedagogies.

Child care facilities must submit one application per facility number, but may include more than one project in the application.
Child care facilities must submit a complete application form that includes a clear description of the project and the facility and a breakdown of costs and/or quotations (if applicable/feasible). The expected processing time is 4-6 weeks from the closing date.


The maximum available per facility for grant funding is:

  • $25,000 for a licensed non-profit infant/preschool centre and nursery school
  • $2,500 for a licensed family/group child care home provider

Prioritization criteria includes:

  • Projects supporting one or more of the initiative's main goals of:
    • Incorporating outdoor education into children's daily curriculum
    • Provide increased opportunity to enhance children's learning and develop a deeper understanding of self through outdoor education
    • Foster authentic connection with the land by incorporating First Nations, Métis, and Inuit histories, cultures, traditional values, and knowledge
  • Projects that address health and safety concerns
  • Program and community impact (e.g. number of educators to receive training, number of infant/preschool children benefitting from the project, barriers to outdoor play being addressed, etc.)

This grant funding is merit and application-based and dependent on availability of funding. Costs eligible must be purchased between April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2026. Purchases/expenses made prior to receiving confirmation of project approval will not be reimbursed. For details on all eligible expenses, see FAQ.

Reporting Requirements:

  • Facilities approved for funding will be required to provide regular project updates as requested by the department and to submit an Outdoor Early Childhood Education Grant Reporting Form when the project is complete and/or no later than April 30, 2026.
  • Receipts for purchases made with the grant(s) should be retained for review by Canada Revenue Agency, facility auditor/bookkeeper and/or Early Learning and Child Care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Outdoor Early Childhood Education Grant – Frequently Asked Questions

Quality and Inclusion and Enhancement Grants

Deadline: March 13, 2023 (now CLOSED)

The Quality Enhancement Grants are one-time grants made available through the Canada-Manitoba Canada-Wide ELCC Agreement and provincial funding, supporting the principles of quality, inclusivity, and sustainability. These grants provide Manitoba's early learning and child care providers with the flexibility to choose and apply funding to where it is needed most so that they are better positioned to build a stronger, more responsive early learning and child care system for the future.

Quality Early Learning and Environments Grant

Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion Grant

Innovative Recruitment and Retention Grant

Retirement Enhancement and Retention Benefit

Quality Early Learning and Environments Grant Guidelines


Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion Grant Guidelines


Innovative Recruitment and Retention Grant Guidelines

Retirement Enhancement and Retention Benefit Guidelines

Amount: $875 per licensed space

Amount: $500 per licensed space

Amount: $200 per licensed space

Amount: One-time RRSP top-up of $500

-Licensed non-profit child care centres (incl. infant, pre-school, nursery schools and school- age programs)

-Licensed home-based providers (family and group)

-Licensed non-profit child care centres (incl. infant, pre-school, nursery schools and school- age programs)

Home-based child care license holders (family and group) who contributed to an RRSP in 2022 and submitted their 2022 RRSP deposit receipts.

Purpose: To make improvements to the child care facility infrastructure, equipment and materials that will provide:

- healthy, safe learning environments
- rich learning experiences for children
- supportive work environments for staff
- welcoming spaces for families.

Purpose: To improve children's experiences through enriched curriculum rooted in the principles of diversity and inclusion that will ensure:

- children feel a sense of belonging and have the ability to meaningfully participate in the program
- children and staff flourish in an environment designed with intention to meet their needs.

Purpose: To advance initiatives at the child care facility aimed at building and sustaining a high quality workforce including:

-recruitment, retention and recognition of qualified ECEs and CCAs
-on-going training and professional development of staff
-promotion of a positive organizational culture and work environment

Purpose: To provide recognition for home-based license holders for their dedication to the child care sector through a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) top-up.

Coverage Period for Eligible Expenses: April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2024

Based on home-based license holder contributions for the 2022 tax year.

Grant Acceptance Process

All eligible facilities will be required to 'accept' or 'decline' each grant funding stream through the weekly Manitoba Child Care Search facility update request, beginning Monday February 27, 2023 and before March 13, 2023. Exception: Retirement Enhancement and Retention Benefit will automatically be applied for eligible license holders as noted above.

For more information about the Quality Enhancement Grants, including the terms and conditions, download the applicable grant funding stream 'guideline' in the table above or see Quality Enhancement Grants Circular and FAQs for centres or
Early Learning and Child Care Notices, Circulars and Webinars

General Eligibility for all Operating Grants

To be eligible for annual operating grants, a facility must:
  • be a provincially licensed child care facility;
  • be open and providing child care services to families;
  • accept subsidized families;
  • enroll children with additional needs if requested;
  • meet financial reporting requirements as outlined by the Early Learning and Child Care Division.
  • Licensed Centres must be incorporated as non‑profit organizations or cooperatives.


Centre Annual Operating Grant

The Centre Annual Operating Grant provides a level of operational support dependent on the type of child care services offered. 


Funded facilities are required to submit an application to receive their operating grant annually within one month after their fiscal year-end. The application includes the Centres Annual Operating Budget (located on Child Care Online) and the board meeting minutes that include the motion to approve the current annual budget.

New or unfunded facilities will be advised if they become eligible for operating grant funding.


Funding policies and Procedures: Centres (PDF)

  • Operating grants are based on the type of care provided, the number of licensed child care spaces, the utilization of all spaces as well as the actual months and days of service.
  • Operating grants are issued in installments, four times per year (April, July, October, January).

Reporting Requirements:

  • The Board of Directors is the legal entity and authority for a not for profit child care centre. It is accountable for the proper conduct of the centre's business and for all aspects of the centre's programs, staff and funds, including oversite and approval of the budget.
  • Financial reporting to the Early Learning and Child Care Program is a requirement for continued eligibility of receiving all grants. The names and attendance of all children must be reported by the Centre Director or designate on the Facility Child Attendance Report. The Facility Child Attendance Report must be submitted for each designated four week period and should be submitted no later than two weeks after the end of the reporting period.
  • Annual Audited Financial statements must be signed by two members of the Board of Directors and received no later than five (5) months following the fiscal year end. Financial Statements must be audited in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards by a Chartered Accountant, Certified General Accountant or Certified Management Accountant, independent of the child care centre (i.e., not involved in the operation of the centre). A set of Audit Guidelines are available to provide to the auditor.
  • Monthly Operating Statements and Annual General Meeting minutes must be available for review upon request.

Nursery School Annual Operating Grant

The Nursery School Annual Operating Grant provides a level of operational support dependent on the type of child care services offered. 


Funded nursery schools are required to submit an application to receive their operating grant annually within one month after their fiscal year-end. The Nursery School Annual Operating Grant application form is located on Child Care Online.

New or unfunded nursery schools will be advised if they become eligible for operating grant funding.


Funding policies and Procedures: Nursery (PDF)

  • Operating grants are based on the number of licensed spaces, the number of sessions offered, the utilization of all spaces as well as the actual months and days of service.
  • Operating grants are issued in installments, four times per year (April, July, October, January).

Reporting Requirements:

  • The Board of Directors is the legal entity and authority for a not for profit child care centre. It is accountable for the proper conduct of the centre's business and for all aspects of the centre's programs, staff and funds, including oversite and approval of the budget.
  • Financial reporting to the Early Learning and Child Care Program is a requirement for continued eligibility of receiving grants. The names and attendance of all children must be reported by the Centre Director or designate on the Facility Child Attendance Report. The Facility Child Attendance Report must be submitted for each designated four week period and should be submitted no later than two weeks after the end of the reporting period.
  • A complete set of Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, is required, but do not need to be audited or reviewed by an accountant with a professional accounting designation. Financial statements must be signed by two members of the Board of Directors and received no later than five (5) months following the nursery school's fiscal year end. Sample financial statements are available for your reference, as well as a Sample Balance sheet and a Sample Statement of Revenue and Expenses.

Family/Group Child Care Home Operating Grant

The Family/Group Child Care Home Annual Operating Grant provides a level of operational support dependent on the type of child care services offered. 


When advised by your Child Care Co-ordinator that you are eligible for operating grant funding, submit the Family/Group Child Care Home Annual Operating Grant application form located on Child Care Online.


Funding policies and Procedures: Family/Group Child Care Home (PDF)

  • Operating grants are based on the type of care provided, the number of licensed child care spaces, the utilization of all spaces as well as the actual months and days of service.
  • Operating grants are issued in installments, four times per year (April, July, October, January).
  • If care is provided for less than 12 months due to an interruption of service for an extended period of time, as a result of a situation such as vacation, sick time, maternity or relocation; the grant may be prorated for the number of months care is provided.

Reporting Requirements:

  • Financial reporting to the Early Learning and Child Care Program is a requirement for continued eligibility of receiving grants. The names and attendance of all children must be reported on the Facility Child Attendance Report. The Facility Child Attendance Report must be submitted for each designated four week period and should be submitted no later than two weeks after the end of the reporting period.
  • Purchases made with grant funds do not require approval from the Early Learning and Child Care program; however, receipts for purchases made with the operating grant should be retained for Canada Revenue Agency. The Agency's booklet, Using Your Home for Child Care, assists self-employed child care providers in understanding what expenses can be claimed. It also explains the importance of keeping good records and can be obtained by calling toll-free at 1-800-959-2221 or by going to

Training Grant

The Training Grant is available to offset up to $400 of professional development or educational courses directed at advancing an individual's designation for Child Care Assistants and Early Childhood Educators. The Training Grant is subject to budget allocations determined by the government for the fiscal year April 1 to March 31.

The Training Grant is payable to the licensee on behalf of each eligible applicant up to an annual maximum each calendar year. Applicants who have successfully completed training, must provide the following documentation to the Early Learning and Child Care Program within 4 weeks of the submission in order to receive the Training Grant:

  • Copy of transcripts for all courses taken. Please do not mail originals of these documents.
  • Copy of receipts for all courses taken.

If any copy of a transcript or receipt is in a language other than English or French, please send an official translation.

PLEASE NOTE: A course(s) that is entirely offset by the Training Grant is not eligible for submission under the ECE Tuition Reimbursement Program.

Child Care Sustainability Trust

2024/2025 Application - Deadline: September 30, 2024 (now closed)

The Child Care Sustainability Trust is an endowment fund managed by The Winnipeg Foundation. The Trust supports one-time grant opportunities for Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) facilities to undertake infrastructure and innovative programming improvements.

On an annual basis, a portion of the interest earned is made available to successful applicants of licensed child care centres, nursery schools and licensed family/group home providers. The annual available funds are dependent on market conditions and the spending policy determined by the Winnipeg Foundation.


All licensed child care/nursery school facilities and licensed family/group home providers are eligible to apply.

Purchases/expenses made prior to receiving confirmation of project approval from ELCC will not be considered for reimbursement. All eligible expenses are to be made prior to March 31, 2026.


Applicants can apply to one of three funding streams including Infrastructure Improvement, Program Enhancement and Professional Development. Each centre with a unique facility identification number can apply separately. Facilities must submit a completed application form, provide a clear description of the project, description of the facility, and include an itemized breakdown of costs and/or quotations (if applicable).  Multiple quotations for the same item is not required.


The maximum available per facility for grant funding:

  • $5,000 for family/group home
  • $20,000 for child care facilities with 50 space or less
  • $25,000 for child care facilities with 51 spaces or more

Prioritization criteria includes:

  • Facilities with an average minimum utilization rate of 80% of licensed spaces
  • Facilities in or serving Manitoba communities that are Indigenous, low-income, newcomer, Francophone, rural/Northern
  • Facilities in communities with low child care coverage (high waitlist, few centres)
  • Projects that address health and safety concerns. For example, fence for outdoor play space, countertop replacement to prevent bacteria growth
  • Projects that meet one or more expected outcomes in areas of infrastructure improvement, enhanced programming and increases capacity of child care staff/board members with improved skills and knowledge
  • Facilities that have not received a Child Care Sustainability Grant in the past five years 

Reporting Requirements:

  • Facilities approved for funding will fill in and submit a Child Care Sustainability Trust Reporting Form when the project is complete.
  • Proof of payment options accepted: formal receipt, detailed Invoice, detailed quote for purchase, credit card statement, agreement for service with costs details.
  • Eligible items/costs must be purchased between date of approval and March 31, 2026. All projects are expected to be completed by March 31, 2025. For a listing of ineligible expenses see Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Child Care Sustainability Trust FAQ (PDF)