Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit
The Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit (CMHB) is a benefit paid to eligible renters who need assistance paying for their core housing costs. The benefit can be used anywhere in Manitoba. It is cost matched by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the Manitoba government. This financial assistance provides greater access and housing stability for vulnerable Manitobans.
Program Streams
The CMHB provides assistance to four vulnerable populations who need additional help with housing costs:
- youth transitioning, or youth who have transitioned out of the care of the child welfare system, up to the age of 26
- people who are at risk of homelessness or who are homeless
- people living with mental health and addiction issues residing in designated supportive housing buildings. This stream is only available if you are living in one of the designated supportive housing projects below:
- Tamarack Recovery Centre, Winnipeg, MB
- Siloam Mission, Winnipeg, MB
- Riverwood House, Winnipeg, MB
- Ross Ellen Housing, Winnipeg, MB
- Astum Api Niikinaahk, Winnipeg, MB
- Community Health and Housing Association, Brandon, MB
- people who have left a gender-based violence relationship and are currently in an approved shelter
CMHB Home Page | Youth Stream | Homelessness Stream
Mental Health and Addictions Stream | Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Stream
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