
Geological Survey Activity Tracker

Hudson Bay Lowland


Till sampling and Quaternary stratigraphy of the Machichi–Kettle rivers area

Project Information

Principal investigators:
Tyler Hodder, Michelle Gauthier

Partnered with:
De Beers group of companies
Martin Ross (University of Waterloo)

Location (Manitoba component only):
Parts of 54A, 54B, 54C


Project Description

Main objectives:

The overall objective of this project is to visit key sites in the largely unexplored region between the Machichi and Kettles rivers in the Hudson Bay Lowland region of northeastern Manitoba. This project will provide a regional till compositional dataset to assess the economic potential and contribute to our understanding of the Quaternary history of this remote region.


  • Helicopter-supported fieldwork to visit exposed sediments along river banks and selected surface sites in 2019
  • Sampling of till for characterization (clast lithology, indicator minerals, till-matrix geochemistry)
  • Collection of ice-flow indicator measurements
  • Detailed descriptions of the Quaternary stratigraphy observed



A strong public geoscience knowledge base is recognized internationally as a key competitive advantage in profiling a jurisdictions geological potential and attracting investment in mineral exploration and development. The products of this project will provide a direct impact on our knowledge base and increase the government of Manitoba's capacity to make informed land-use decisions.


Plans for fiscal year 2020–2021:

  • Clast-lithology counts of till samples
  • Analysis of till-compositional data
  • Synthesis of stratigraphic data


Completed outputs:


Hodder, T.J. and Gauthier, M.S. 2019: Quaternary stratigraphy and till sampling in the Machichi–Kettle rivers area, far northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54A–C); in Report of Activities 2019, Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 83–89.

Hodder, T.J. and Gauthier, M.S. 2020: Till-matrix geochemistry data, Machichi–Kettle rivers area, far northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54A–C); Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Data Repository Item DRI2020003, Microsoft® Excel® file.

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