
Geological Survey Activity Tracker

Southwest Manitoba


Geolocalities/Roadside Geology of Manitoba


Click image to view playlist on YouTubeProject Information

Principal investigators:
Kathryn Lapenskie, Mark Pacey, Jim D. Bamburak

Partnered with:

Southern Manitoba, parts of NTS 52, 62, 63


Project Description

Main objectives:

The overall objective is to provide a legacy of unique, digitally-documented, locality-specific Manitoba geological and geomorphological localities (Geolocalities) on the MGS portion of the Manitoba Government Provincial Data Network for use by MGS staff; and selected information on YouTube™ (Manitoba Virtual GeoTours) for use by the general public.


The project will involve the compilation of a repository from video, still photography and detailed geological descriptions of Manitoba outcrops and landforms from MGS, GSC and other sources field notes, guidebooks and reports. The initial test of the methodology will focus on incorporating the selected sites visited by James Bamburak during his employment as Industrial Minerals Geologist during the past 20+ years; including sites documented during the MGS Roadside Geology experience over the last five years. The long term goal will be to include selected localities of other MGS staff.



The project addresses a need to preserve a legacy of geological knowledge of the staff of the MGS in a format that is easily accessible and is in a format that can be downloaded as an educational tool by MGS staff or the public; or for use by industry in developing exploration strategies and logistics.


Completed outputs:


Bamburak, J.D. and Pacey, J.M. 2016: Manitoba Virtual GeoTours on YouTube™

Bamburak, J.D., Pacey, J.M. and Lapenskie, K. 2016: Roadside geology of southern Manitoba: 2016 update; in Report of Activities 2016, Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 212–214.

Bamburak, J.D., Pacey, J.M. and Lapenskie, K. 2016: MB GeoTours of southern Manitoba; Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Manitoba Geological Survey, Data Repository Item DRI2016007, Microsoft® Excel® file.

Bamburak, J.D., Pacey, J.M. and Lapenskie, K. 2016: MGS GeoTours of Southern Manitoba; Manitoba Growth, Enterprise and Trade, Manitoba Geological Survey, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention 2016, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 16–18, 2016, poster presentation.


Bamburak, J.D. and Pacey, J.M. 2015: Manitoba Virtual GeoTours on YouTube™

Bamburak, J.D. and Pacey, J.M. 2015: Roadside geology of southern Manitoba; in Report of Activities 2015, Manitoba Mineral Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 140–142.




Bamburak, J.D. and Pacey, M. 2012: Manitoba Virtual GeoTours on YouTube™


Bamburak, J.D. and Pacey, M. 2011: Roadside geology of southwestern Manitoba – a virtual guide to many of its unique geological features [abstract]; Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 17–19, 2011, Program, p. 59.

Bamburak, J.D. and Pacey, M. 2011: Roadside geology of southwestern Manitoba – a virtual guide to many of its unique geological features; Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention 2011, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 17–19, 2011, oral presentation.


Bamburak, J.D. 2010: Roadside Geology of Manitoba – a user’s guide to the province’s unique geological features; Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Manitoba Mining and Minerals Convention 2010, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 18–20, 2010, oral presentation.

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