Surficial Geology Mapping in Manitoba Publications
To view further bibliographic information on any Manitoba Geological Survey-produced reports, please visit the Bibliography of Manitoba Geology. If an MGS publication is currently available for download, it will be linked from its title in the listing below.
To view further bibliographic information on any Geological Survey of Canada-produced reports, please visit Natural Resources Canada.
Quaternary geology of the Gypsumville area
Nielson and Matile 1985
MGS Aggregate Report 84-3
Scale: 1:100 000
62O1; 62O2; 62O7; 62O8; 62O9; 62O10; 62O15; 62O16
Sand & gravel resources of the Dauphin region
Gartner Lee Associates Limited and Proctor and Redfern Limited 1978
Sheets 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 of MGS Open File Report OF78-5
Scale: 1:50 000
NTS: 62O3 (Sheet 5);
62O6 (Sheet 6); 62O4 (Sheet 8);
62O5 (Sheet 9); 62O12 (Sheet 10)