Child Victim Support Service (CVSS)
Being involved in the criminal justice system can be a difficult time for a child or family. Manitoba Justice Victim Services understands the challenges you may be going through, and we are here to help you. Victims Services’ workers can help you and your child understand court processes and procedures, and connect you to other supportive services and agencies.
CVSS helps victims and witnesses of abuse (under 18 years of age), adult survivors of sexual abuse and other vulnerable victims (on a case-by-case basis) who are involved in the criminal court process. CVSS helps victims and witnesses by:
- explaining criminal court process and procedures
- assisting them with understanding their rights under The Victims’ Bill of Rights
- preparing them for court (including a visit to the courtroom to help familiarize them with their surroundings and make them feel more comfortable)
- identifying special needs and the potential for aids to help with testimony
- attending court with witnesses, when possible
- scheduling meetings with Crown attorneys to discuss any special issues
- arranging short-term counselling
- providing emotional support
- referring them to community resources such as therapists or treatment programs
- providing information and guidance on how to prepare Victim Impact Statements
Victim Impact Statements apply to all victims of crime and allow victims to tell the court how they have been affected by the crime. For more information, please visit the Victim Impact Statement Program area of our site.
Compensation for Victims of Crime Program
Families of impacted children may be eligible for financial support for some costs incurred as a result of a criminal incident. Visit the Compensation for Victims of Crime section of our website to learn more.
Victim Services Intervention Dog
In 2016, Manitoba Justice Victim Services introduced Milan, Manitoba’s first and only Accredited Facility Dog, to our team. Milan is a smart, friendly, black Labrador retriever, who knows more than 30 commands. She has a calming and comforting effect on the people around her, especially children. To learn more about Milan, visit the Victim Services Intervention Dog section of our website.
Court preparation resources for children and youth:
Court Preparation Booklet - Getting Ready for Court (for youth)
Court Preparation Booklet - Snowy and Me (for children)
Other resources to consult:
Cybertip (an online resource with the goal to reduce child victimization)
Winnipeg Child Friendly Waiting Room
For more information, or to connect with a Victim Services’ worker, please contact:
Manitoba Justice Victim Services
Child Victim Support Service
1410 – 405 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6
204-945-6851 in Winnipeg
1-866-4VICTIM (1-866-484-2846) toll free, outside of Winnipeg