Mine Manitoba


Manitoba recognizes the importance of proponent-led Indigenous engagement, information sharing and relationship building for projects that involve the use of Manitoba Crown lands and resources. Indigenous engagement enhances the proponent's relationship with Indigenous communities, advances reconciliation, potentially reduce instances of project delay and result in improved decision-making.


Helpful Links:


If you would like more information or assistance from the Crown-Indigenous consultation team before or during your Indigenous engagement, please contact the following based on your question or concern:

Work Permit for Mineral Exploration

(Crown land outside of provincial parks)

Application* - send completed applications and documents to Permit.Office@gov.mb.ca
*if the document will not open on your computer, please right-click on the Please wait... message, select save, save to a location on your computer, then open the file from the saved location, or email the Permit Office


Mineral Tenure Applications and Disposition Management

To create an iMaQs account or learn more about using iMaQs, please visit the main page:  Go to iMaQs.


Other permits and licences


Laws and Regulations


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is iMaQs?

Manitoba's integrated Mining and Quarrying system iMaQs is an internet-based system for certified Mines Branch clients to submit applications and manage their mining and quarrying dispositions online, anywhere, anytime. iMaQs is affiliated with AccessManitoba.

What is a work permit for?

A work permit is required to conduct work on Crown land on a claim or mineral exploration lease outside of Provincial Parks. Prospecting on Crown land using only hand tools does not require a work permit (outside of a provincial park). Applicants should be aware that this does not exempt them from following and complying with existing laws and regulatory requirements.

How long can I get a work permit for?

Permits will be issued for up to three years, with an expiry date from the issue date.

Can I renew a work permit?

Yes, this permit can be renewed for up to an additional two years from the initial date of expiry, provided the work has advanced sufficiently to meet tenure conditions and the location/activities are unchanged. Contact Permit.Office@gov.mb.ca with a written request with your permit number for a renewal of your current work permit at least 60 days prior to the expiry date.

Can I amend a work permit?

Yes, contact Permit.Office@gov.mb.ca with a written request with your permit number to apply for an amendment to your current work permit. A new application form is not required, but the written request must be detailed enough to assess the amendment request.

What are the steps to get a work permit?

Step 1 - Prior to submitting a work permit, proponents must ensure:
  • Proponent is registered in iMaQs with a client number and valid email address.
  • Proponent has a valid claim or mineral exploration licence.
  • The applicant must be an authorized agent for the claim or mineral exploration licence.

Step 2 - Work permit application
  • Contact the Permit.Office@gov.mb.ca to obtain a copy of the application form.
  • Submit the following information with your application:
    • map files (shape or KMZ)
    • work plan/proposal for multi-year or multi-season projects
    • include how many years are required for the permit

Step 3 - Technical review and assessment
  • The work permit, plan and associated information are reviewed and assessed by several branches and departments to identify regulatory requirements that may apply.
  • Departments and branches contribute their knowledge and expertise to ensure permit conditions are fit for the purpose of the work that is being proposed.

Step 4 - Crown-Indigenous Consultation
  • Crown-Indigenous Consultation is required where it appears or where the government is uncertain as to whether a proposed government decision or action might infringe upon or adversely affect the exercise of an aboriginal or treaty right.
  • The process begins when an initial assessment on a work permit is conducted to determine the level of consultation required and determine the First Nations, Métis communities and other Indigenous communities that should be consulted.
  • The initial assessment is completed simultaneously with the technical review and assessment step.
  • The Manitoba government will work with representatives of each affected First Nation, Métis community and other Indigenous communities to design a consultation process that reflects the nature, scope and content appropriate for the particular situation.
  • Consultation processes are designed to effectively communicate the questions and issues on which the Manitoba government seeks input and allow for relevant feedback.
  • The obligation of a government is to meaningfully address concerns raised during the consultation by taking steps to avoid irreparable harm or to minimize the effects of the infringement on aboriginal or treaty rights or the adverse effects on the exercise of aboriginal or treaty rights.

Step 5 - Decisions and permit conditions
  • A decision will be given to the applicant in writing after the technical review and assessment are complete, and the department is satisfied that appropriate Crown-Indigenous Consultation has been carried out.
  • In deciding whether or not to issue a permit, the department will consider all comments received through the technical review and assessment, as well as any mitigation measures that may have been identified as a result of Crown-Indigenous Consultation.
  • Site-specific terms and conditions (e.g., timing restrictions to accommodate seasonal hunting and other traditional uses of the land) may be included in the written decision.


What should be included in the work plan?

A work plan or proposal outlining the work over the seasons and multiple years will help with the review and assessment phase, as all as the consultation phase. Here are some suggestions of what to include:

Introduction and Background
Provide an overview of the need and/or rationale for the project and purpose; may include one or more of the following depending on the proposed project:
  • description of proposed development and schedule for stages of the development
  • details of existing land use on the site and on land adjoining it
  • prior programs conducted and authorizations received from government (if applicable)
  • geological overview and mineral potential and reference to previous studies and results of previous activities relating to past exploration programs
  • current market trends, if a specified mineral is targeted by the project
  • processes and technologies to be used, and products or services required

Project Information
Provide details of all components of the proposed project and activities for which you are seeking authorization (e.g., access road, airstrip, waste disposal area, etc.):
  • proposed dates for project planning, construction, and operation (include seasonality of operations if applicable)
  • details on activities related to Geological, Geochemical and/or Geophysical surveys (or other survey activities, including seismic)
  • details on geochemical, geological and geophysical surveys, including any line cutting that is required
  • details on any development of new trails/roads or upgrades to existing trails/roads
  • details on activities related to the development of temporary work camps
  • details on the development of new pads for drill holes and helicopters
  • changes that will be made in such land use for the purposes of the proposed project

Maps and Location Information
Provide detailed maps of the proposed project area that clearly identifies locations for all activities (drill sites, camp locations, stream crossings, roads/trails, etc.) that will occur as part of the proposed exploration project. Ensure your maps include the following information:
  • location of local and regional surface waterbodies (lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc.)
  • location of existing trails/roads
  • location of proposed new trails/roads or trails/roads where upgrades are planned
  • location of any known Heritage resources (e.g., archaeological and historic sites, etc.)
  • location of any traditional-use areas identified by a local Indigenous community
  • detailed maps with 1:50,000 resolution in KMZ format or shape files
  • overview maps with 1:250,000 in KMZ format or shape files
  • boundary information for Provincial Parks, Provincial Forest, Resource Management Areas, Treaty Land Entitlement Community Interest Zones

Impacts to Natural and Human Environment
Provide an overview and description of the environment as related to the proposed project, including the following:
  • the local area and regional setting includes important terrain features such as hills, valleys, lakes, rivers, shorelines, etc.
  • local and regional surface waterbodies (lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc.) and the regional groundwater conditions (aquifers, recharge areas, quality, wells, etc.)
  • the aquatic environment, including fish resources and habitat, benthic invertebrates, aquatic plants, etc., for each waterbody that could be affected by the proposed project
  • the terrestrial environment, including vegetation, wildlife (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, etc.), and wildlife habitat etc. that could be affected by the proposed project
  • identification and proximity to any protected areas (e.g., provincial parks, wildlife management areas, etc.)
  • identification of any rare, threatened or endangered species or any important or sensitive species and/or habitats, particularly if federally and/or provincially protected
Identify any potential impacts of the proposed project on the environment, including, but not limited to the following:
  • wildlife and fisheries, including seasonal considerations (e.g., fish spawning, calving, etc.)
  • surface water and groundwater
  • harvesting and handling of forestry products/resources (e.g., line cutting, clearing for roads, work camps, and pads for drill holes and helicopters)
  • storage, transportation and disposal of any hazardous wastes that may be produced
  • identification of any storage of gasoline or associated products (e.g., diesel fuel, used oil, heating oil, aviation gas, solvents, isopropanol, methanol, acetone, etc.)
  • plans to burn any material on the exploration site

Indigenous Engagement
Provide an overview of all engagement activities undertaken with Indigenous communities and representative organizations. This should include potential impacts on the socio-economic environment as related to the proposed project, as follows:
  • any record of Indigenous engagement that identifies which Indigenous communities were engaged, who was contacted, the information supplied, when it was supplied, and how it was supplied. This may include records of discussion, meeting minutes, letters of support, etc.
  • identification of any existing public safety and human health risks in the development area
  • identification and proximity to any known heritage resources (e.g., archaeological and historic sites, etc.
  • identification of traditional-use areas identified by a local Indigenous community in the vicinity of the proposed project
  • socio-economic implications resulting from environmental impact
  • identification and description of the existing land and resource uses in the region including forestry, trapping, hydroelectric, recreation, resource tourism, etc.
  • environmental information may come from sources such as site visits, previous studies, environmental databases, ecological land classification, and traditional knowledge
Indigenous engagement should begin early in the planning phase. Applicants are advised to undertake early, timely and culturally appropriate engagement with Indigenous peoples that ensures the concerns and interests in a project and its potential impacts are understood and addressed. Lack of pre-engagement may delay Crown-Indigenous Consultation and result in subsequent delays in permitting decisions.

Heritage Resources
Provide detailed maps of the proposed project area that clearly identifies locations for all activities (drill sites, camp locations, stream crossings, roads/trails, etc.) that will occur as part of the proposed exploration project. Ensure your maps include the following information:
  • early heritage screening and the heritage resource impact assessment process are consistent business/industry-wide practices within and outside of Manitoba
  • project proponents at all phases of exploration must be aware of early requirements involving heritage screenings and the potential for heritage resource impact assessments
  • the heritage screening and heritage resource impact assessment should be viewed as front-end processes that serve as an early preventative measure intended to avoid work stoppages in future
  • if a heritage screening or heritage resource impact assessment is identified as a requirement at the time of the technical review and assessment, delays in project implementation can result
  • Heritage Resources Info: Archaeological, paleontological and historic resources in Manitoba are protected under The Heritage Resources Act (1985)

Environmental Management, Impact Mitigations and Remediation
Provide details on environmental management and remediation activities to be employed to prevent or mitigate adverse implications from the impacts identified above, where applicable:
  • containment, handling, monitoring, storage, treatment, and final disposal of pollutants
  • conservation and protection of natural environment
  • conservation and protection of heritage resources
Provide details on planned environmental restoration and rehabilitation activities to be undertaken at the project site upon project completion:
  • access roads and trails (e.g., revegetating roads)
  • drilling and trenching
  • reclaiming drill sites
  • temporary work camps
  • removal of equipment, fuel and waste
  • plan for managing residual environmental effects remaining after the application of mitigation measures (e.g., monitoring, inspection, surveillance, audit, etc.)
Provide details on mitigation practices incorporated into the project planning and design based on feedback received during the Indigenous engagement activities.


If you have additional questions, please contact the Permit.Office@gov.mb.ca or call 204-945-6546.


The Geological Survey conducts a wide range of investigations in Manitoba's Precambrian Shield, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and Hudson Bay Basin. By developing an understanding of Manitoba's geology and geological processes, the Geological Survey promotes mineral exploration opportunities and contributes to wise land-use management.

Learn more about the Manitoba Geological Survey: https://www.gov.mb.ca/iem/geo/index.html