Protocol Office

Forms of Address

Here are the forms of address to follow when one is writing to the following provincial dignitaries:

Lieutenant Governor:

Her Honour the Honourable Anita R. Neville, P.C., O.M.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba
Salutation: Your Honour:
Final Salutation: Yours sincerely,

*The Lieutenant Governor of a province has the title The Honourable for life.
* The courtesy title His/Her Honour is used only while in office.


The Honourable Wab Kinew
Premier of Manitoba
Salutation: Dear Premier:
Final Salutation: Yours sincerely,

* The title "The Honourable" is used only while in office, unless he or she is a member of the Privy Council.
* Ed Schreyer, being a former Governor General, retains the title The Right Honourable.
* Gary Filmon P.C. retains the title of The Honourable because he was a member of the Privy Council.

Provincial Cabinet Ministers:

Honourable (full name)
Minister of (department name)
Salutation: Dear Minister:
Final Salutation: Yours sincerely,

* A provincial cabinet minister does not retain the title Honourable after tenure of office unless he or she is a member of the King's Privy Council.

Provincial Members of the Legislative Assembly:

Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss/Mx. (full name), M.L.A.
Name of Constituency
Salutation: Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss/Mx. (name):
Final Salutation: Yours sincerely,

*Jon Gerrard retains the title Honourable and uses the initials "P.C." after his name because he is a member of the King's Privy Council because he was a former federal cabinet minister.

More information on titles and forms of address is available through the federal department of Canadian Heritage.