Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Industry Services promotes and supports the development and implementation of Recognizing Prior Learning (RPL) for workplaces in Manitoba.

RPL identifies and recognizes the skills and knowledge a person has acquired not only through formal training, but also on the job, at home and in the community.

RPL can include:

  • work experience - paid and unpaid
  • volunteer work
  • school credits
  • military experience
  • travel
  • hobbies
  • independent study
  • family and life experiences

Whether gained formally or informally, the prior learning experiences of an organization’s employees can be highly relevant and valuable.

Recognizing this prior learning can reduce training and certification time, motivate employees to access further training and credentials, and enhance an organization’s understanding of the capabilities and potential of its human resources.

Industry Services supports the Recognizing Prior Learning approach to identifying, assessing and recognizing what a person knows and can do. We consult with business, labour and government, and co-ordinate RPL development projects as well as RPL training activities.


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