Trades Qualifiers - Approved to Challenge
Once approved, you have one year to successfully write your examination.
When you are ready to write the certification exam submit the exam application and select the time and place that you would like to write. Exams are first come, first served so we ask that you select two dates on the application form.
Learn more about exams.
If you do not successfully complete your exam within one year of the approval date you will need to re-apply. Re-applying means that you will have to submit a completely new application, including you credentials, employer letters, work experience form and assessment fee.
Study Resources
The availability of study resources depends on the trade. Some have numerous options to help you to prepare and there are some that only have a detailed description of the trade to study from. Contact the Trades Qualification assessor to see what is available for your trade.
Trades Qualification Learning Supports Guide
The Trades Qualification Learning Supports Guide was developed to help you prepare to write the Interprovincial/Provincial Certification exam in your designated trade. This document is designed for Trades Qualifiers who have been approved to challenge the exam. It provides relevant and meaningful information that can be used when preparing to write the exam such as strategies for writing multiple-choice exams, a comprehensive study guide, developing a learning plan, non-accredited TQ upgrading courses and learning resources (textbooks, CD’s, learning modules, online texts, question banks, etc).
This resource outlines strategies for studying, writing certification exams, preparing a learning plan and accessing resources.
Learn more in the Trades Qualification Learning Supports Guide.
No matter how much time you spend studying principles and techniques, you will have difficulty understanding the questions if the words used on the exam are not in your vocabulary. A broad vocabulary is essential to doing well on the certification exam, since you are more likely to understand what the question is asking of you and what the possible answers will be.
The non-technical words are equally important for the internationally experienced tradesperson or immigrant apprentice to learn.
Certification exam questions are written simply and clearly, influenced slightly by trade specific language. Build up your vocabulary as much as possible. Write down words you have not come across in your work and become familiar with them. Read trade journals, textbooks (which often have glossaries and tool lists) and the occupational analysis.
Vocabulary cards for Hairstylist or
Essential Skills Drop-In Centre for Trades
Essential skills are skills that help you to perform the tasks required by your trade and other activities of daily life. They provide the foundation for learning other skills and make it easier for you to adapt to workplace change. If you need assistance with essential skills, be sure to visit the drop-in centre and upgrade your skills.
Learn more about essential skills.