Ethnocultural Community Support Program
The ECSP Guidelines (PDF) and Application Form (PDF) have been updated for the 2025 intake.
Please review the updated documents prior to submitting an application. Using old versions of the application form may result in your application being rejected.
The Ethnocultural Community Support Program (ECSP) supports the open exchange of cultural practices, traditions, languages and customs of Manitoba’s ethnocultural communities. ECSP supports the goals of Manitoba’s Multiculturalism Act by providing grants to eligible Manitoba-based not-for-profit ethnocultural community organizations * through two award streams:
- Programming: to support core activities promoting cultural exchange that are delivered by the organization on an ongoing or recurring basis (examples include but are not limited to: cultural celebrations, heritage language instruction, cultural expression, etc.)
- Special Initiatives: to support a one‑time event of special importance (example: commemorative anniversaries, dedications/recognitions) or to pilot a program that meets the objectives of ECSP.
* An ethnocultural community or group is defined by the shared characteristics unique to, and recognized by, that group. This includes characteristics such as cultural traditions, ancestry, language, national identity, country of origin and/or physical traits. In some cases, a group may view its common origin as pan-national, or it may be based on geographic region of origin. These characteristics are the basis on which, generally speaking, one group culturally distinguishes itself from another.
Note: Exceptions may be possible for organizations serving ethnocultural communities in rural/ underserved areas of the province.
- Levels of Support
- Eligible Organizations
- Deadlines
- How to Apply for ECSP Funding
- Reporting Requirements
- Assessment and Notification
- Other Grants and Resources
Levels of Support
ECSP will cover eligible costs incurred between April 1 and March 31 up to a maximum of:
- $25,000.00 ^ for Programming; and
- $10,000.00 ^ for Special Initiatives
Successful applicants may receive less than amounts requested. Amounts awarded are based on the availability of funds, the eligibility of proposed costs, the applicant's capacity to use the funds effectively, the amount of community involvement of the applicant organization, and other sources of funding.
^ The amount awarded is also based on a variety of factors such as: the availability of funds, the eligibility of proposed costs, the applicant's capacity to use the funds effectively, the amount of community involvement of the applicant organization, and other sources of funding.
Due to increasing interest, this program is often oversubscribed. The amounts awarded annually vary, and past funding history or amounts are not a guarantee of future awards.
All applicants are encouraged to seek funding from diverse sources.
Eligible Organizations
Eligible organizations must be a Manitoba-based ethnocultural organization and meet the following criteria:
- be a Manitoba-based ethnocultural community organization whose activities are open to all Manitobans;
- be incorporated as a not-for-profit for at least one year and in good standing with a federal or provincial registering agency;
- have written and duly approved by-laws that include clearly defined objectives, mission or mandate to preserve, promote, and share ethnocultural heritage among all Manitobans;
- have an accountable board of directors who meet regularly and serve without remuneration;
- be able to demonstrate financial standing of the organization. If the organization is operating with a deficit, the applicant must submit a deficit reduction plan with the application (see bottom of budget template)
If a Manitoba-based ethnocultural organization wishes to partner with another community group in delivering a core program and/or special project, the primary applicant must be an ethnocultural organization that meets the program eligibility criteria.
ECSP will give priority to programs, activities or projects that contain one or more of the following components:
- Anti-racism: to combat racial stereotypes and discrimination;
- Multiculturalism: to support cultural diversity, including inter-cultural understanding and connection through encouraging cooperation and partnership between cultural communities;
- Multigenerational engagement: to support activities that bring together and celebrate all generations as well as those that target youth and seniors specifically.
ECSP has one intake per year. The intake deadline is March 31 annually. Applicants interested in funding for activities over the following 12 months (April 1 to March 31), are required to submit an application by this deadline. Final reporting for previously-awarded ECSP grants are due by April 30 in the year after an intake.
If a deadline date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline is the following business day.
*Organizations that received funding through the October 2022 intake were contacted regarding a transition plan to bring them (and their final reporting) into alignment with this new funding cycle.
It is strongly recommended that first time applicants discuss their proposed activities with Strategic Policy Branch staff at least two months prior to the application deadline.
If either the application or final report date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline is the following business day.
Applications and final reports must be received on or before the following dates:
- Applications: March 31
- Final Reports: April 30
How to Apply for ECSP Funding
It is strongly recommended that first-time applicants contact Strategic Policy Branch staff to discuss their proposed activities at least 1-2 months prior to the intake deadline. Previous grant recipients who seek clarification or guidance are also encouraged to contact the staff with any questions. After the deadline, applications will no longer be accepted or discussed with the applicant organization(s).
STEP 1) Review the Program Guidelines (PDF)
- The ECSP guidelines have been updated to provide more clarity. Please review this document and contact staff with any questions prior to completing an application.
STEP 2) Complete the Application Form (PDF), Proposed Budget spreadsheet (xlsm), and gather all additional requested documents
- Download the fillable form and save it on your desktop.
- Using Adobe Acrobat (a free downloadable application), fill in and save the required information in all fields.
- Check that all information has been provided prior to printing the forms and having it signed.
- Please ensure that all information requested is provided using the checklist. Incomplete applications may result in a decision to decline funding.
- Please list your proposed programs/budgets in order of priority.
- As noted in the Guidelines, due to increasing demand, not all programming requests may receive funding, and supported activities may receive less funding than requested.
STEP 3) Submit the completed ECSP Application.
- E-mail the completed application form and attach all supporting documents to strategic.policy@gov.mb.ca. Please ensure that all attached files are clearly labelled.
- You should receive an automated email confirming receipt of your application shortly after your submission.
Assessment and Notification
All funding decisions are final. Please note that meeting the general and eligibility criteria does not guarantee funding, nor does failure to receive financial support reflect a negative assessment of an application. Additionally, previous funding from the department does not guarantee funding in future years.
Funding decisions are based on meeting the eligibility criteria of the program and an assessment of the application based on how well the proposed activities reflect the program objectives, the capacity of the applicant to complete the proposed activities, and the general merits of the proposal.
Reporting Requirements
STEP 1) Complete the Final Report Form (PDF)
Download the fillable pdf and save it on your desktop. Using Adobe Acrobat (a free downloadable application), fill in and save the required information in all fields. Check that all information has been provided and saved before you print the form and have it signed.
STEP 2) Submit the completed Final Report:
E-mail the completed final report form and attach all supporting documents to: strategic.policy@gov.mb.ca. Please ensure that all files are clearly labelled and, where applicable, PDFs.
Final Report Financial Overview:
Additional Programs:
If your organization received funding for more than three programs, please add another copy of the chart to your final report.