Communicable Disease Control

CDC Vision
Communicable Disease FREE Manitobans.
CDC Mission
To promote and support the prevention and control of communicable diseases in Manitoba, focusing on diseases:
- With infectious causes;
- With human to human transmission of disease;
- Which are community acquired;
- Which are reportable under The Public Health Act.
This responsibility is carried out in collaboration with others involved with the identification and management of communicable diseases.
CDC Mandate/Key Functions:
- To provide leadership and strategic direction through the development of user-friendly policies and guidelines;
- To promote healthy behaviours and cultivate effective partnerships with stakeholders;
- To identify risk factors and detect communicable diseases early to inform public health.
Role of Regional Health Authorities and Other Health Care Jurisdictions
- Regional Health Authorities and other health care jurisdictions such as First Nations Inuit Health (FNIH) are responsible for the provision of direct health services.
- Regional Medical Officers of Health are the first resource when information is sought by health practitioners regarding the management and prevention of communicable diseases.
Communicable Disease
Control (CDC) Health Links – Info Santé |