Submissions Under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act

Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) hereby gives notice that the following submissions have been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act.

Application for Approval

Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure has deposited a description of the following work, its site and plans with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry ( and under the registry number indicated below:

Temporary Structure over the Sclater River at PTH 20

Registry Number: 10869
TC-NPP File Number: 2024-612816

  • Temporary Bridge

Work will involve the installation of a temporary bridge structure across the Sclater River, downstream (north) of the existing structure, in the RM of Mountain, Section 10-35-20 W. The temporary bridge will provide a detour of PTH 20 during demolition of the existing structure and construction of the replacement.

Public Notice Posted: July 17, 2024

Structure temporaire au-dessus de la rivière Sclater sur la route provinciale à grande circulation 20

Numéro de registre : 10869

Numéro de dossier du Programme de protection de la navigation de Transports Canada : 2024-612816

  • Pont temporaire

Les travaux comprendront l’installation d’un pont temporaire au-dessus de la rivière Sclater, en aval (nord) de la structure existante, dans la municipalité rurale de Mountain, section 10-35-20 O. Le pont temporaire permettra de dévier la route 20 pendant la démolition de la structure existante et la construction de la structure de remplacement.

Avis public publié : 17 juillet 2024

Berens River Backchannel Culverts Replacement at Three Locations

Registry Numbers: 9565, 9752, 9753
TC-NPP File Number: 2024-611550

The works will involve the replacement of three culverts during road upgrades on the backchannels of Berens River near the community of Berens River First Nation. Works are scheduled to take place in winter 2026 or winter 2027. Coordinates for the three locations are as follows:

  • 52° 20' 32.35" N, 96° 59' 4.45" W;
  • 52° 20' 57.04" N, 96° 59' 0.24" W; and
  • 52° 20' 32.35" N, 96° 59' 4.45" W.

Public Notice Posted: May 29, 2024

Pier Repairs on PTH 4 Bridge across Red River

Registry Number: 103232
TC-NPP File Number: 1985-600001

  • Bridge

The work will involve the installation of a permanent icebreaker structure around the pier as protection. The work takes place at the pier of the PTH 4 bridge across the Red River with the approximate coordinates of 50.19093, -96.84281.

Public Notice Posted: April 19, 2024

Oak Lake Dam Spillway and West Dike Rehabilitation

Registry Number: 9667
TC-NPP File Number: 2010-600639

  • Weir
  • Dyke

The works includes converting the existing Oak Lake dam spillway into a rockfill entombed structure, constructing an augmented sheet pile core rockfill overflow spillway immediately west of the dam, and using a combination of High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat (HPTRM) with rockfill erosion protection along the entire 4.4 km length of the West Dike at Oak Lake within Sections 11, 12, 15 and 22, Township 8, Range 25W, in the Rural Municipality of Sifton.

Public Notice Posted: March 7th, 2024

PTH 4 Pier Repair – Site No. 1662 – Red River

Registry Number: 9849
TC-NPP File Number: 1985-600001

  • Bridge
  • Cofferdam

The work will involve removal of a damaged cofferdam around a bridge pier and its replacement with an ice breaker structure at Bridge Site 1662 on Provincial Trunk Highway No. 4 over the Red River. Works will be completed at approximately 50.190888° N, -96.842752° W, Township 14, Range 5E in the Rural Municipality of St. Clements, in the Province of Manitoba.

Public Notice Posted: February 9, 2024

PTH 5 Bridge Replacement – Site No. 352 on Assiniboine River

Registry Number: 6941
TC-NPP File Number: 2023-610685

  • Bridge (replacement)
  • Dredging

The work will involve demolition and replacement of Bridge Site 352 on Provincial Trunk Highway No. 5 over the Assiniboine River and the excavation (dredging) of a flood relief bench upstream, at approximately 49° 39' 38.30" N, 99° 15' 57.20" W, Section 14, Township 8, Range 14W in the Rural Municipality of Glenboro-South Cypress, in the Province of Manitoba.

Public Notice Posted: November 16, 2023

Interim Safety Measures – Turtlehead Creek (Deloraine) Dam

Registry Number: 8789
TC-NPP File Number: 2022-607172

  • Boom and barrier

The work involves placing a temporary safety boom across the Turtlehead Creek (Deloraine) Dam on SE 1/2 Section 30, Township 2, Range 20W, Rural Municipality of Deloraine-Winchester, in Manitoba.

Public Notice Posted: October 20th, 2023

Bridge Replacement – Site No. 2659 on PTH 34 over the Assiniboine River

Registry Number: 6143
TC-NPP File Number: 2022-605963

  • Bridge (Remove/Construct)
  • Access Platform/Berm (Temporary)

Replacement of Bridge Site # 2659 on Provincial Trunk Highway No. 34 over the Assiniboine River, in the SE ¼ Section 33, Township 8, Range 11W in the Rural Municipality of Victoria, MB.

Public Notice Posted: August 17, 2023

St. Adolphe Dike – Bank Stabilization

Registry Number: 8220
TC-NPP File Number: 2023-609634

  • Erosion Protection Work

Riverbank stabilization along the east bank of the Red River adjacent to 499 Main Street and 533 Bernadette Bay in St. Adolphe, Manitoba.

Public Notice Posted: August 1, 2023

Bridge Site 4288 Construction on Prospect Street at Boundary Creek

Registry number: 7692
TC-NPP File Number: 2023-609071

  • Bridge

MTI is proposing to replace the washed out culvert on Boundary Creek with a 2-span bridge. Bridge site #4288 is located on Prospect Street in Winnipeg Beach, in the Section 3, Township 18, Range 4E, in the RM of Gimli.

Public Notice Posted: April 28, 2023

Structure Replacement – Site No. 1931 on PTH 3 at Souris River

Registry Number: 7491
TC-NPP File Number: 2011-600412

  • Bridge

Bridge Site # 1931 over Souris River on PTH 3 is located in the southeast corner of the Town of Melita, Manitoba. The project is located within NW ¼ Section 31, Township 3, Range 26W.

Public Notice Posted: April 25, 2023

Major Bridge Rehabilitation – Site No. 3051 on PR 305 at the Red River

Registry Number: 7520
TC-NPP File Number: 2022-607033

  • Bridge

The work will involve major rehabilitation of Bridge Site # 3051 on Provincial Road No. 305 over the Red River on River Lots 566 to 569, Parish of Ste. Agathe, in the Rural Municipality of Ritchot.

Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to:

Navigation Protection Program –  Transport Canada
344 Edmonton Street
Winnipeg,  MB
R3C 0P6

Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available to the public on the online public registry. However, any information related to a work is considered as unclassified public record and could be accessible upon legal request. As such, the information and records provided should not contain confidential or sensitive information. If you want to provide confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be made public, please contact TC before submitting it.

However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.

Notification of Works on a Non-Scheduled Waterway

Pursuant to paragraph 10(1)(b) of the said Act, Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure has deposited with the Minister of Transport description of the following work, its site and plans, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry ( and under the registry number indicated by project below.

Comments regarding the effect of the work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to the contact information listed under each project.

Sturgeon Creek Flood Repairs near PR 221 

Registry Number: 10689
Publication Date: May 22, 2024

Contact Information:  

1520-215 Garry Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3P3

Works on Sturgeon Creek near PR 221 will be completed to fix flood damage and install erosion and sediment control measures. Works are scheduled to take place from October to December 2024. The project is located within the RM of Rosser.

Box Culvert Site 1981 on PTH 10 at Pine Creek

Registry Number: 7989
Publication Date: June 16, 2023

Contact Information:  

600-215 Garry Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3P3

Wing walls of the box culvert will require repairs. Culvert Site 1981 is located on PTH 10 at Pine Creek, in the Municipality of Mountain.

Bridge Site 4499 over Lawford River

Registry Number: 7032
Publication Date: January 27, 2023

Contact Information:

600-215 Garry Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3P3

A permanent clear-span Acrow bridge will be constructed along Winter Rd 725 over Lawford River.

Note that comments will be considered only if they are received not later than 30 days after the notice publication date indicated under each project.

Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available to the public on the online public registry. However, any information related to a work is considered as unclassified public record and could be accessible upon legal request. As such, the information and records provided should not contain confidential or sensitive information. If you want to provide confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be made public, please contact TC before submitting it.


Notification of No Interference to Navigation

Pursuant to paragraph 4.1 and 9.1 of the said Act, MTI has deposited with the Minister of Transport, in accordance with the requirements set out on the External Submission Site, on the online Common Project Search Registry ( descriptions of the following work:

Portage Diversion Outlet Structure Stabilization Modifications

Registry number: 9672

TC-NPP File No: 2024-611517

  • Water control structure

This is a notification of work with no interference to navigation on Lake Manitoba. The work involves the placement of large-diameter, granitic rip-rap at the at the terminus of Portage Diversion, SW 1/4 Section 6, Township 14, Range 7W in the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie.

Public Notice Posted: January 15, 2024


Portage Diversion Outlet Structure Stabilization

Registry number: 6871

TC-NPP File No: 2012-600875-002

Stabilization works on the outlet structure at the terminus of Portage Diversion, SW 1/4 Section 6, Township 14, Range 7W in the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie

Public Notice Posted: December 14, 2022

Notification of Minor Works

Pursuant to paragraph 4(1) of the said Act, MTI has deposited with the Minister of Transport, in accordance with the requirements set out on the External Submission Site, on the online Common Project Search Registry ( descriptions of the following work:

Red River Floodway – Inlet Control Structure Diversion Channel Grading

Registry Number: 9343

TC-NPP File Number: 8200-03-7453

  • Sediment Removal

The work will involve rehabilitation of the diversion channel with removal of excess silt material up to the edge of the Red River embankment consisting of approximately 0.4 km of drain excavation. Located within Duff Roblin Provincial Park at approximately 49°45'13.48"N, 97° 8'6.83"W within the City of Winnipeg.

Public Notice Posted: Jan 15, 2024

Portage Diversion Dredging

Registry Number: 9371

  • Dredging

The work will involve excavation including hauling of excess silt material in the Portage Diversion Reservoir, located southwest of Provincial Trunk Highway 1, along Yellowquill Trail at the Portage Diversion Inlet, on River Lots 23 to 24 in the Municipality of Portage la Prairie.

Public Notice Posted: Dec 8, 2023

Slope Stabilization on North Duck River

Registry number: 7383
Erosion protection works along the banks of North Duck River, located at the SW ¼ Sec 14-35-22W, in the RM of Mountain.

Public Notice Posted: March 10, 2023