Historic Flood - 1882

The flood of 1882 occurred before there were any recorded measurements of stream flow or lake levels in Manitoba. However, descriptions of the flood are documented in numerous sources. Overflows from Lake Manitoba and the Assiniboine River caused impacts to railway infrastructure and agricultural settlements. The extents of the damages from the flood were significant enough that the Manitoba Legislative Assembly struck a committee in 1884 to study the 1882 overflow of the Assiniboine River and Lake Manitoba. According to reports, the water in the Assiniboine River was so high that it overflowed into Lake Manitoba.  And then conversely, later on in the flood, Lake Manitoba was so high that water from Lake Manitoba overflowed into Long Lake eventually making its way back to the Assiniboine River.

In 1952, the peak flows for the 1882 flood were estimated by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration. The 1882 peak flows in the Assiniboine River were estimated to be 1,218 cms (43,000 cfs) at Brandon and 906 cms (32,000 cfs) at Headingley.

More information on the flood of 1882 can be found in the report produced by the Province of Manitoba titled: “2011 Flood: Technical Review of Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, and Assiniboine River Water Levels (October 2013)” (ZIP, 14 MB)