Ecological Reserve Nomination Form

Contact Information



Phone Number:       

Email Address:        


Name: Your proposed name for the area

Location: Describe the general location, proximity to recognised named features, lakes, islands, towns, etc. If known, give legal description (section, township, range); latitude; longitude; GPS coordinates; NTS map sheet; Google EarthTM kml files or images; or ESRI shapefiles.Please include any attachments (maps, shapefiles, pictures, etc.) separately.

Total Area: If known, provide an estimated area.

Access: Provide ways to access the area (e.g. by highway, boat, plane, etc.).

Outstanding Features: Briefly describe the outstanding features of the site that make it worthy of consideration as an ecological reserve. (e.g. habitat of listed endangered species, critical habitat for plants or wildlife, unique geological formation).

List the major reasons why the site should be an ecological reserve:

List any other factors you think should be considered in deciding whether to establish the area as an ecological reserve:

Site Description: As appropriate, and to the level of detail available, describe topography, soils, vegetation, wildlife observations, etc. of the area.

Wildlife Observations: 

Degree of Disturbance: Indicate the extent, if any, of existing disturbance in the area (e.g. trails, etc)

Existing Land Use Activities/Encumbrances: Describe any existing land use and harvest activities you know of in the area or that cross it (e.g. forestry harvest or allocation, mining claims, hunting, fishing, trapping, hydro development and transmission, highways or other resource harvest).

Selected References: List any references or studies that provide more information about the area or some of its unique or representative features.

Field Work: List any people or organisations who have done field work in the area, include dates when the site was last visited.

Nomination Proposal: Identify who is nominating the site, submission date and contact information.

Environment and Climate Change is gathering input on nominations for Ecological Reserve designation for the purpose of considering that input in the determination of future areas to be designated as Ecological Reserves. Individual's opinions as well as any identifying information provided, such as their computer ip address , name, phone # and email address is collected for that purpose. The collection of this personal information is authorized under Section 36(1)(b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA") as it relates directly to and is necessary for an activity of the Department. If you have any questions about the collection, contact Departmental Access and Privacy Officer at 200 Saulteaux Crescent, Box 90, Winnipeg, MB; 204-945-4170.

Please include any attachments (maps, shapefiles, pictures, etc.) separately. Proposals can be submitted to:

Ecological Reserves Program
Parks and Protected Spaces Branch
Environment and Climate Change
Box 53, 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3
Fax. (204) 945-0012