Proactive Disclosure

Ministerial Reporting Archive

Ministerial Mandate Letters

Fiscal Year 2020/2021:

Fiscal Year 2018/2019:

Crown Services Directives

Crown Services Framework Letters

Fiscal Year 2019/2020:

Post-Secondary Education Mandate Letters

Ministers' Expense Reports

  • Ministers' Expenses are summarized annually beginning with the 2006-2007 fiscal year. The report covers costs incurred by a Cabinet Minister and paid by the Minister's department (transportation and travel, accommodation and meals, hospitality, and communications). Constituency expenses are not included.
  • Ministers' Travel Expenses are available starting with the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Released quarterly, these reports cover out of province trips by Cabinet Ministers including trip dates and destinations; purpose; and expenses for airfare; ground transportation; accommodation, meals and phone calls.

Minister's Expenses and Minister's Travel Expenses for every Manitoba government department:

2007 to 2016 Fiscal Minister's Expenses and Minister's Travel Expenses for every Manitoba government department: