Fact sheets, Vaccine Consent Forms, Mask Resources and Further Resources for the Public
On this page:
- Factsheets
- Vaccine Consent Forms
- Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP)
- Mask Resources
- Respiratory Virus Screening Tools
- Links to Further Resources on COVID-19
- COVID-19 Vaccine Factsheet
- COVID-19 Treatments
Vaccine Consent Forms
Consent will be required before receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. If the client is under 18, a parent or guardian may give consent on their behalf. Consent may be given in writing or verbally, according to Informed Consent guidelines (Informed Consent Guidelines for Immunization (gov.mb.ca).
- COVID-19, Influenza, and Pneumococcal Immunization Consent Form (Fillable) (letter size) (Updated June 2024)
- COVID-19, Influenza, and Pneumococcal Immunization Consent Form (Fillable) (legal size) (Updated July 2023)
For further information on the vaccine, please see the product monographs:https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/health-care-providers.html#product-monographs
Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP)
The Public Health Agency of Canada has established a Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) in partnership with provinces and territories. While serious side effects are very rare, this program ensures anyone who experiences a serious side effect or injury because of the COVID-19 vaccine will be able to seek financial support. The VISP is now accepting claims. People in Canada who have experienced a serious and permanent injury after receiving a Health Canada authorized vaccine, administered in Canada, on or after December 8, 2020 can submit a claim requesting financial support.
For more information on the VISP and how to submit your claim please visit:
https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/vaccination-children/safety-concerns-side-effects.html#a5 or vaccineinjurysupport.ca
Mask Resources
- COVID-19 mask use: How to choose, use and care for a mask - Canada.ca
- COVID-19 mask use: How to make your mask fit properly - Canada.ca
- Types of Masks - Canada.ca
Respiratory Virus Screening Tools
- Prevent The Spread of Respiratory Viruses Poster
- Respiratory Virus Screening Poster
- Respiratory Virus Screening Poster - Low Color Version
Links to Further Resources on COVID-19
- How to care for your child during respiratory virus season
- Shared Health Manitoba - COVID-19
- Government of Canada Travel Health Notices
- Public Health Agency of Canada - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- Public Health Agency of Canada: COVID-19 Vaccines
- Vaccine Development and Approval in Canada
- Vaccination programs in Manitoba
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- The World Health Organization - Coronavirus