The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act (PIDA)

Designated Officers

What is a designated officer?

Designated officers are appointed by the chief executive of a public body covered by PIDA to receive and handle disclosures of wrongdoing. If no designation is made, the chief executive of the public body is the designated officer.



A designated officer is a senior official responsible for investigating a disclosure of wrongdoing made to an employee's supervisor or to the designated officer. The designated officer also provides advice to employees who are considering making a disclosure.


Designated officers are responsible for investigating and managing disclosures of wrongdoing made to the employee's supervisor or to the designated officer.

Designated officers are also responsible for handling any disclosures referred by the Manitoba Ombudsman, in which case the Manitoba Ombudsman may inquire about the steps taken or propose steps to be taken to deal with the matter.

When investigating disclosures of wrongdoing, designated officers must ensure that the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice are applied. For example, people are entitled to a full and fair opportunity to respond and all parties are entitled to an impartial, and unbiased decision-maker.

Confidentially must also be protected to the fullest extent possible throughout the receipt, handling and investigation of a disclosure.

Following an investigation, designated officers must prepare a report outlining the allegations investigated, whether the investigation found wrongdoing and recommendations for corrective measures. The designated officer must inform the employee who made the disclosure, the results of the investigation.


The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act

Regulations (pdf)

PIDA Procedures (pdf)

Disclosure of Wrongdoing Form (pdf)

Disclosure of Wrongdoing Form - Fillable (pdf)

List of Designated Officers (pdf)

Disclosure Statistics (pdf)


PIDA Training Modules

A series of six training modules, designed to guide Designated Officers of the Manitoba government in carrying out their responsibilities, is being developed and will include information on the following topics:

  • An overview of PIDA and the role of Designated Officers
  • What is a wrongdoing
  • Receiving, assessing, and identifying a disclosure of wrongdoing
  • Application of the principles of justice and dignity, procedural fairness, and confidentiality
  • Preparing for and conducting an investigation
  • Writing a final report and concluding an investigation

Note: The training has been developed for Designated Officers in the Manitoba government. While much of the content is transferable to all Designated Officers (outside the Manitoba Government), there may be nuances.

If you are a Designated Officer and you do not work for the Manitoba government, please review the PIDA legislation for unique application and consider this training as a supportive reference.