About Manitoba Finance
Manitoba Finance is responsible for managing the province's fiscal and financial resources, allocating funds to other governmental departments and promoting an open government and engaged Manitobans.
Our Vision: A strong and thriving Manitoba
Our Mission: Helping to make Manitoba prosperous and safe to live, work and invest.
Our Values:
• Responsible stewards of public data, funds and information
• Impartial, reliable, open services
• Foster awareness, understanding and collaboration
• Ethical, professional, diverse and inclusive
Crown Services Division
Financial Institutions Regulation Branch
Financial Literacy Resource Website
Fiscal Policy and Corporate Services Division
The Information and Privacy Policy Secretariat
Manitoba Bureau of Statistics
Manitoba Securities Commission
Manitoba Tax Assistance Office
Taxation Division
- Provides strategic, regulatory and policy support for Manitoba’s Crown corporations and assists in the reporting and oversight of all Crown Corporations governed by the Crown Corporation Governance and Accountability Act.
- Ensures alignment between government and Manitoba’s Crown Corporation priorities (including the issuance of Ministerial Mandate Letters and Directives to the Crown Corporations to promote alignment with government priorities and policy).
- Works collaboratively with Crown Corporations, departments, the private sector and non-government organizations to deliver effective an consistent policy analysis, planning and reporting requirements under the act.
- Manages legislative and regulatory needs, provides analysis of major capital proposals and liaises with Crowns to address concerns of Manitobans.
- Ensures compliance with reporting requirements of the act, and provides analysis and advice with respect to business plans, capital plans and other major decisions that boards of the Crown Corporations may make.
Financial Institutions Regulation Branch
- Regulates financial institutions and cooperatives in Manitoba.
- Reviews and approves the corporate legal documents for credit unions, caisses populaires and cooperatives.
- Maintains a legal registry for credit unions, caisses populaires, cooperatives and insurance companies.
- Mediates disputes between consumers, agents, adjusters and insurance companies; as well as member disputes with their credit union, caisse populaire or cooperative.
- Authorizes trust and loan companies to operate in Manitoba.
Fiscal Policy and Corporate Services Division
- Provides research, technical and analytical support in respect of national and provincial fiscal and economic matters and intergovernmental finance relations, including cost-shared programs.
- Administers fiscal arrangements and tax collection agreements with the Federal Government as well as tax credit programs with the federal government and municipalities.
- MBS works with the Manitoba government's departments and agencies to address specific information requirements.
Manitoba Securities Commission
- Protects Manitoba investors and facilitates dynamic and competitive capital and real estate markets to promote economic development while fostering public confidence in those markets.
- Provides a regulatory framework for the insurance sector, trust and loan companies, credit unions and caisses populaires, and cooperatives operating in Manitoba.
Manitoba Tax Assistance Office
- Informs and assists residents of Manitoba on the Manitoba income tax and tax credit programs.
- Monitors all claims to ensure accuracy, corrects inaccurate claims and recovers ineligible amounts previously claimed by taxpayers.
- Current information about retail sales tax, health and post secondary education tax levy, tobacco tax, fuel tax, corporation capital tax, insurance corporations tax, mining tax and emissions tax on coal and petroleum coke.
- Provides analytical support to the Treasury Board in fulfilling its responsibilities for fiscal management, program and organizational review, including the integration of policy decisions with the longer term fiscal plans of government.
- Analyzes and monitors program performance measures and the fiscal position of the Government of Manitoba and plans and co-ordinates the budgetary process.
- Undertakes strategic initiatives and targeted program reviews and co-ordinates the use of balanced scorecards across government.
- Establishes and oversees corporate comptrollership and financial management policies for government.
- Provides internal audit and advisory services to government departments and agencies relating to internal controls. Prepares the Summary Public Accounts for summary government in accordance with Public Sector Accounting Standards.
- Evaluates and oversees accounting and financial management policies and systems across government to effectively deliver summary financial statements that reflect the actual financial position of the Government of Manitoba.
- Manages and administers the cash resources, borrowing programs, and all investment and debt management activities of the government.
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