Funding for Your Services 

Once we understand your support needs, you will receive a Personal Supports Budget Level. The level helps the program determine your Personal Supports Budget. This is the amount of funding you have to use for your services.

What is a Personal Supports Budget Level?

After you finish your Supports Intensity Scale Interview, you will receive a Personal Supports Budget Level that is based on your needs. The Levels are numbered 1 through 7.

If your Personal Supports Level is 1, this means you have lower support needs. If your Personal Supports Level is 6 or 7, this means you have higher support needs.

What is a Personal Supports Budget?

A Personal Supports Budget is the amount of money you will have to receive CLDS services.   It is based on your Personal Supports Budget Level. 

What are the funding amounts available for my level of support need?

Funding models that reflect the seven Personal Support Levels have been developed for the following services:

  • Supports to Families
  • Day Services
  • Supported Independent Living
  • Home Share

To review the funding available, see our page on funding models.

Funding models for all other CLDS services are being developed.  If your person-centred plan includes a service that does not have a funding model, your Community Service Worker and your agency will work together to develop a funding proposal.

What do I do if my Personal Supports Budget isn’t enough?

After you try to find the right mix of supports from family and friends and services funded by Community Living disABILITY Services, if you feel that you are not getting enough support, you can talk to your Community Service Worker. They can help you fill out a request for an exceptions review request form. After you fill out a request, we will try to help point you to services available in the community, help identify natural supports or will allow you to purchase additional services outside of your budget if they are found to be necessary services for you.

What do I do if I think my Personal Supports Budget Level is wrong?

When you have questions or concerns about your Supports Intensity Scale report and/or Personal Support Budget Level, you can talk to your Community Service Worker.

It is important to review the report with help if needed from your family, support network or your Community Service Worker.

A review of your Supports Intensity Scale report and Personal Support Budget Level may be needed if:

  • your situation has changed since you had your interview
  • the people you wanted to be at your interview were not invited
  • the people you wanted to be there were invited but could not attend, and the interview happened without them    
  • there weren’t at least two people who knew you at the interview
  • the interview was not conducted face to face
  • questions in the interview were not explained before they were scored
  • questions were not asked or discussed during the interview
  • you were not present at the interview, or the Facilitator did not meet with you before the interview