Improving Quality of Life Employment Pilot Project

Frequently Asked Questions
Employment Discovery Tool
Definition of Terms
Service Provider Agency Partners
Contact Us

Improving Quality of Life Employment Pilot Project 

Young adults with an intellectual disability have valuable contributions to make to the workplace.  Many of these individuals do not currently have access to the necessary support and training to secure employment opportunities.


To help harness the employment potential of young adults aged 18-25, the Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) program is launching the Improving Quality of Life Employment Pilot Project, which will create increased opportunities for personal growth, skill development and meaningful employment.

The pilot project will involve 30 individuals aged 18-20, with no cap on the number of individuals aged 21-25.  For the 18-20 age group, the pilot project will enable access to employment services before reaching the age of 21.  For the 21-25 age group, the project will provide an opportunity to refocus their supports on employment opportunities.

The pilot project will invite individuals aged 18-25 who are eligible for CLDS to complete an employment discovery tool that will assess their skills and preferences generally, as well as help in determining whether they will participate in the pilot project. 

The CLDS program is partnering with nine service provider agencies in Winnipeg, Brandon, Selkirk, Steinbach and Beausejour that currently deliver employment supports to support placements in the pilot project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may be eligible to participate in the pilot project?

CLDS-eligible individuals aged 18-25 who are not currently accessing employment services may be eligible to participate in the pilot project.

When will the pilot project start?

Programming is expected to commence this spring 2024 for adults aged 21 to 25 and this summer for those aged 18 to 20. Actual start dates will be flexible.

How long will individuals participate in the pilot project?

Individuals will participate in the pilot project for one year.  However, those who participate will remain eligible for supported employment services or day services once the pilot project has finished.

How many participants will be included in the pilot project?

The pilot project will include up to 30 individuals aged 18-20.  There is no prescribed limit for CLDS participants aged 21-25.

I am currently accessing day services.  Can I still join the pilot project?

If you are an existing CLDS program participant aged 18-25 who is attending a day program that is not considered supported employment, you may be eligible to participate in the pilot project.

I am currently accessing supported employment services.  Can I still join the pilot project?

The pilot project is for CLDS participants aged 18-25 who are not currently accessing employment supports.

Which service provider agencies are participating in the pilot project?

There are nine service providers in Winnipeg, Brandon, Selkirk, Steinbach and Beausejour that are participating in the pilot project:


What will happen with the information I provide in the Employment Discovery Tool?

The information you provide will be shared with your Community Service Worker to inform planning and potential placement in the pilot project. 

How will I be informed of potential placement in the pilot project?

Should a potential placement be identified, your Community Service Worker will contact you with information about the next steps in the process. 

Who can I contact if I have questions about the pilot project?

Please contact your Community Service Worker or if you have any questions.

Employment Discovery Tool

The Employment Discovery Tool is a set of questions that will assess an individual’s skills and employment preferences, as well as determine their interest in the pilot project.  This information will be forwarded to each individual’s Community Service Worker to inform planning and potential participation in the pilot project.

The meanings for some of the terms used on this tool can be found on the Definition of Terms document.

Ways to access the tool:

Thank you for completing the form. Your information will be reviewed by department staff and your community service worker may reach out to you to request further details or to provide information.

Please email this form to or mail to:

Adult Disability Services
Department of Families
205-114 Garry Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4V4


For individuals placed in the pilot project, services will start as early as spring 2024 for those aged 21 to 25 and as early as summer 2024 for those aged 18-20.  However, start dates will depend on each individual’s unique circumstances.

Services delivered through the pilot project may include transition planning, employment exploration, job skills training, skills matching, finding employment prospects, employment preparedness training, job carving and job coaching.

Service Provider Agency Partners

Through a successful expression of interest process, the following Community Living disABILITY Services-funded service providers are partnering with the department to deliver supported employment services to pilot project participants in Winnipeg, Brandon, Selkirk, Steinbach and Beausejour:



Contact Us

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