Rights, Appeals and Compliance


Manitoba Accessibility Office (MAO)
The Manitoba Accessibility Office (MAO) promotes public awareness about accessibility and creates tools and training to help organizations comply with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and related accessibility standards.  It also manages the Manitoba Accessibility Fund.

The Office of the Commissioner for Adults Living With an Intellectual Disability (CALIDO)
The Office of the Commissioner for Adults Living With an Intellectual Disability (previously Vulnerable Persons’ Commissioner Office) is the body that receives applications to appoint a substitute decision maker for adults living with an intellectual disability who require someone who is legally empowered to make decisions on their behalf, known as a substitute decision maker.


Fair Practices Office
The Fair Practices Office provides confidential and impartial assistance to Manitobans applying for, or receiving services under:

  • Employment and Income Assistance programs
  • Children’s disABILITY Services
  • Community Living disABILITY Services
  • Early Learning and Child Care Program (subsidy)

The Fair Practices Office investigates complaints, mediates disputes and makes recommendations on individual cases to program staff based on investigation outcomes.

Social Services Appeal Board
The purpose of SSAB is to give Manitobans a fair, impartial, and informal appeal process of decisions relating to various social services and programs:

  • Employment and Income Assistance Program (Income Assistance, General Assistance and Shelter Assistance)
  • Adoption Agency Licensing
  • Child Care Licensing and Subsidies
  • Child Care Qualifications Certification
  • 55-Plus: A Manitoba Income Supplement, Junior Component
  • Rent Assist
  • Manitoba Prenatal Benefit
  • Residential Care Licensing
  • Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Program (eligibility)
  • Community Living disABILITY Services Program (eligibility)


Accessibility Compliance Secretariat
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act is provincial law, with accessibility standards acting as regulations under law. Manitoba’s Accessibility Compliance Secretariat monitors compliance of accessibility legislation in the private, non profit and public sectors.