Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit
Mental Health and Addiction Stream
This stream is for people living with mental health and addiction issues who are living in designated housing projects. The benefit will continue when individuals leave this housing to assist them in transitioning to rent in the private market. This stream is designed to support independence and provide safe and stable housing, with a goal of improving outcomes for people who need assistance paying for core housing.
Once the client leaves the designated housing project, the benefit in this stream can be used anywhere in Manitoba.The benefit will be delivered by Manitoba Housing.
To be eligible for the CMHB mental health and addiction stream, applicants must:
- complete a program application
- be receiving EIA Rent Assist while living in a designated housing building (Once the client transitions to the private rental market, they must be receiving either EIA or non-EIA Rent Assist.)
- need assistance paying for core housing
- be a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident of Canada or refugee claimant
- be living in a designated housing project, including supportive recovery housing and enter into a rental agreement with the provider
- live in private rental accommodations after transitioning from a designated housing project and have a tenancy agreement
To continue being eligible for benefits, recipients must report all changes that may impact their eligibility such as:
- changes in household size
- address changes or moves
- changes in rent
- changes in income
People cannot apply for the CMHB stream for those living with mental health and addiction issues if:
- they do not receive EIA and
- they do not live in a designated housing building:
- Tamarack, 54 Balmoral Street, Winnipeg, MB
- Siloam Mission, 3rd Floor – 300 Princess Street, Winnipeg, MB
- Riverwood House, 65 Stadacona Street, Winnipeg, MB
- Home First Winnipeg, 390 Ross Street, Winnipeg, MB
- Community Health and Housing Association, Westman Region Inc.,
19-13th Street, Brandon, MB - Men are Part of the Solution, 13-15 Stanford Bay, Thompson, MB
Benefit Calculation
For eligible applicants living in a designated housing project, the CMHB will pay the difference between rent and the applicant's Rent Assist and will be paid as a rent supplement directly to the landlord.
Once the recipient has transitioned to the private rental market, the CMHB will be calculated as:
- CMHB = Rent – Rent Assist, up to $250 per month
or - CMHB = Rent – (30 per cent of income + non-EIA Rent Assist), up to $250 per month
Access to this stream of the CMHB and applications are available through the designated housing providers only.
Annual Renewal Form
You should complete this form annually to ensure you are eligible and that your benefit continues.
Download the Annual Renewal form (PDF), or call Manitoba Housing at 204-945-3131 to have an annual renewal form mailed to you.
Change in Information Form in the Private Market
Complete this form if there are any changes to your circumstances (e.g., changes in household size, address changes or moves, changes in rent or income) that may affect whether your benefit continues.
Download the Change in Information Form in the Private Market (PDF), or call Manitoba Housing at
204-945-3131 to have a change in information form mailed to you.
Submitting Completed Forms
All completed forms can be submitted to Manitoba Housing:
by email: rentsuppinfo@gov.mb.ca
by regular mail:
400-352 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2H8
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Mental Health and Addictions Stream | Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Stream
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