Acknowledgments & Technical Information
Version 1.0, 2.0, and Manitoba:
- Gridded at 100 metre resolution using Vertical Mapper 2.5® for MapInfo 5.5®
- Rectangular interpolation with 5000 metre search radius
- Missing data tiles patched using 1:50 000 NTS series contours
- 3D views created with Vertical Mapper 2.5® and Virtual Frontier 1.0® for MapInfo 5.5®
- 3D drapes created with MrSid DOI and Vertical Mapper 2.5®
- 90 metre resolution
- Further information
Data Sources:
- Manitoba Land Related Information System (MLRIS) - Manitoba Conservation
- Linnet - The Land Systems Company
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – SRTM data
Compiled by:
G.L.D. Matile and G. Keller, Manitoba Geological Survey - Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines
Further Information:
- SRTM data and mission statistics
- Digital Ortho Imagery - Linnet - The Land Systems Company
- Digital Elevation Model - Manitoba Geological Survey - Manitoba Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation