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Releases for 2024

September 17, 2024
GeoFile 2-2024: Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation: silt plus clay (<63 µm) size fraction by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion

July 9, 2024
Data Repository Item:
DRI2024007 (parts of NTS 62H15, I13, P5)

June 19, 2024
Data Repository Items:
DRI2024005 (NTS 53M15, 16, parts of 53N12, 13, 54C4, D1)
DRI2024006 (parts of NTS 54C, D, 64A)

April 30, 2024
Data Repository Items:
DRI2024003 (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A)
DRI2024004 (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A)

April 11, 2024
Data Repository Items:
DRI2024001 (parts of NTS 54C2, 7)
DRI2024002 (parts of NTS 54C2, 7)

April 2, 2024
Open File:
OF2024-1: Quaternary site, till composition and ice-flow indicator datasets in the Kaskattama highland area, northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 53N, O, 54B, C)

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Release for September 17, 2024



GeoFile 2-2024

Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation: silt plus clay (<63 µm) size fraction by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion
by M.S. Gauthier

This GeoFile provides a digital dataset for till-geochemistry surveys carried out in Manitoba, where the silt plus clay (<63 µm) size fraction of the till matrix was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion. This compilation of 38 projects includes 3683 till samples, and will be updated annually or bi-annually. This data can be brought into GIS software, and integrated with other geoscience data, to generate new exploration targets and design follow-up exploration programs.

Free download:

This publication supersedes GeoFile 2-2023.

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Release for July 9, 2024




2023 aggregate field visits: Quaternary site data, composition, and ice-flow indicators from gravel pits in southern Manitoba (parts of NTS 62H15, I13, P5)
by M.S. Gauthier and J. Rentz
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:

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Releases for June 19, 2024




Till-clast–lithology data, western Fox River greenstone belt area, northeastern Manitoba (NTS 53M15, 16, parts of 53N12, 13, 54C4, D1)
by M.S. Gauthier, M. Budge and M. Friesen
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:



Till-clast–lithology data, Gillam area, northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C, D, 64A)
by M.S. Gauthier
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:


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Releases for April 30, 2024




Till-matrix geochemistry data from the 2022–2023 field seasons in southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A)
by T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:



Gold and indicator-mineral data derived from glacial sediments (till) in southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L, 62P, 63A)
by T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:

Note: This publication supersedes Data Repository Item DRI2023011.


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Releases for April 11, 2024




Till heavy mineral analysis (gold, MMSIM, visual KIM) from eight sections near the confluence of the Hayes and Gods rivers, northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C2, 7)
by M.S. Gauthier, L.N. Mesich and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:



Till geochemistry from eight sections near the confluence of the Hayes and Gods rivers, northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C2, 7)
by L.N. Mesich, M.S. Gauthier and T.J. Hodder
(Microsoft® Excel® file)

Free download:


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Release for April 2, 2024


Open File OF2024-1 coverOPEN FILE


Quaternary site, till composition and ice-flow indicator datasets in the Kaskattama highland area, northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 53N, O, 54B, C)
by T.J. Hodder, M.S. Gauthier, S.E. Kelley and M. Ross

The Kaskattama highland area in northeastern Manitoba preserves an exceptional stratigraphic record of multiple Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. Helicopter-supported fieldwork investigated the Quaternary stratigraphy at 27 sections and the surficial sediments at 54 stations. This publication provides the stratigraphic columns, clast fabric, till clast-lithology and till-matrix geochemical data.

Free download:


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