Production Reporting - Petrinex

Petrinex Login
Apply for Business Associate Identifier (BA ID)
Petrinex Manitoba Industry Readiness Handbook

Informational Notices
Information Notice 20-05 - Reporting Deadlines Information Notice 20-04 - Reporting Requirements

Required Reporting through Petrinex

Volumetric data: Reporting of volumetric data is required for a well or facility that produces oil, gas or water; or for the injection or disposal of water or any other substance.  Volumetric data can be submitted manually online or as a batch upload to Petrinex.

Valuation: Valuation information is required for the purpose of calculating Crown Royalty and Freehold Production Tax owing on crude oil produced from Manitoba wells or units.

Infrastructure: Infrastructure information for individual wells and facilities is required to ensure volumetric and valuation information is properly allocated and reported.

Training Resources

  • Online Learning Modules specific to Manitoba Petrinex functionality are available on the Petrinex Learning Centre. Users are strongly encouraged to access those modules relevant to their reporting responsibilities. Access to Learning Modules requires one-time self-registration for each user. An inventory of Manitoba learning modules is available on the Learning Centre using the link just below the login button.
  • The Learning Centre has other resources (Job Aids, Tips etc.) available to support Petrinex users.

Calendars and Deadlines

  • May to December 2020 Manitoba Reporting Calendars have been posted on the Petrinex website Calendar tab. Users are strongly encouraged to review these calendars to avoid missing any deadlines. Please review not only the calendar dates, but also the calendar descriptions associated with each date.

Petrinex Business Desk

For all “how to use Petrinex” questions

Phone:          403-297-6111 (Calgary)
Phone:          1-800-992-1144 (other locations)
Fax:               403-297-3665
Web site:

Hours of operation are generally 7AM to 5PM (Mountain Time) business days. Detailed Petrinex and Business Desk hours of operation are published on the Calendars tab on the Petrinex website.

For all volumetric-related questions that are not “how to use Petrinex” questions and issues related to Business Associate (BA) identifiers, applications etc.


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