.Red River Floodway

Groundwater Protection Measures

Water Management and Structures (WMS) is committed to the long term sustainability and protection of groundwater resources in and around the Manitoba Floodway and other provincial water control infrastructure.

As such, WMS will continue with a groundwater monitoring program begun by the Manitoba Floodway Authority as part of their floodway expansion program. A key principle of the ongoing plan is WMS’s commitment to avoid any adverse groundwater impacts related to operation of the floodway. The increase in floodway capacity (from 60,000 cfs to 140,000 cfs) is not expected to change the nature of or increase probabilities of floodway groundwater infiltration and this issue continues to be monitored with both an annual program and with increased, event driven monitoring. Under the expansion, concerted efforts were made to isolate potential groundwater infiltration areas that along with other measures, saw the installation of 26 reverse sand filters at spring seepage locations and the de-commissioning of any unused wells that could have lead to direct aquifer connections. Previous reporting has demonstrated there have been no lasting or permanent impacts to groundwater caused by either the expansion or the floodway’s regular operation.

For any floodway inquiries please call 204-945-3819.