Publications and Resources
Resources, Programs
and Services -
and Evaluation
Resources, Programs and Services
Families First Brochure (PDF)
Families First offers home visiting supports to families with children, from pregnancy to school entry.
Manitoba First Nations and Metis Parenting Booklets
Growing Up Ok (PDF) | 2013
Growing Up OK! is a puberty booklet developed primarily for children ages 9-12 (grades 4-7). It provides accurate, non-judgmental information and will support middle years children in making the important developmental transition between childhood and adolescence.
Helping your children to Grow Up OK! (PDF)
This resource is a guide for parenting children through the physical and emotional changes of puberty. Parenting at this time can become very challenging. Helping your children to Grow Up OK! supports parents/caregivers in understanding what to talk about with their preteen to promote and encourage healthy behaviours while respecting the importance of each families’ own values and relationships. The topics in Helping your Children to Grow Up OK! include healthy talk, mental health and wellness, safety, attachment, and a list of resources. The pamphlet can be distributed to parents/caregivers by schools, health care providers or community service providers working with families.
Healthy Schools Booklet (PDF) | 2011
Info for Moms-to-be
Health and nutrition tips for a healthy mom and baby.
Best Practices in School-based Suicide Prevention (PDF) | 2014
A Comprehensive Approach is intended to provide a framework along with practical tools to help school administrators and their partners develop comprehensive planning for suicide prevention.
Protocol for Early Childhood Transition to School for Children with Additional Support Needs (PDF) | December 2015
Poster (PDF) | Kindergarten Story (PDF) | Vignette 1 (PDF) | Vignette 2 (PDF)
In Fall 2016, regional workshops introducing the Protocol to multidisciplinary service providers were delivered in Brandon, Carman, Dauphin, The Pas, Thompson, and Winnipeg. The Presentation is a revised version of the presentation given at these workshops. It is available for use in your community | View Presentation (PPT) | Powerpoint Slides (PDF)
Education and Child and Family Services Protocol for Children and Youth in Care (PDF) | May 2013
Companion Guide (PDF) | School Registration Form (PDF)
Wraparound Protocol for Children and Youth with Severe to Profound Emotional and Behavioural Disorders (PDF) | May 2013
Working Together: A Parent’s Guide to Transition from School to Community (PDF) | April 2010
Information Sharing Protocol Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (PDF) | February 2004
Companion Guide for the Information Sharing Protocol Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (PDF) | February 2004
“What We Heard”: Public Consultations on Child and Youth Mental Health
Report on Manitoba's Children and Youth
Maximizing Social Impacts and Returns on Investment (2014) – A Special Report from the Mental Health Summit Network
A New Generation of Canadian Families Raising Young Children
The following report visually shows how these changes relate
to child development and explain how families have adapted
their parenting roles. On each page, findings from current
research are used to discuss the implications of the data
presented in the chart. In the concluding section, policies
to support families with young children are described.
Research and Evaluation

First Program Evaluation Highlights
Healthy Child Manitoba and regional health authorities surveyed
families participating in the BabyFirst program and compared
their parenting experiences with non-participants. The information
gathered will help us better serve the needs of Manitoba children
and their families.