Other Services and Information
Victim Services offers additional information and supports for victims of crime. Read about the types of services we provide below, or contact us at 1-866-4VICTIM (1-866-484-2846) to learn more.
Support for families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
The Manitoba Family Information Liaison Unit (FILU) can gather information to help you learn more about your loved one(s) death or disappearance. We can also connect you with culturally appropriate and trauma informed counselling and other support services.
Community Impact Statements
A community impact statement may be used to provide a description of the harm or loss suffered by a community as the result of the commission of an offence. Learn more about community impact statements.
Restitution is money ordered by the court to reimburse a victim for the actual loss or damage resulting from a crime. It is one way the offender can make up for the harm caused to the victim. To learn about restitution, download our restitution brochure.
For more information about the restitution process and to access forms, visit the restitution section of our website.
Parental Responsibility
Legislation allows the victims of youth crime in Manitoba to recover damages from parents whose children (up to 18 years of age) have been involved in deliberately taking, damaging or destroying property. Click here for more information.
Canadian Victims’ Bill of Rights (CVBR)
Manitoba Justice Victim Services is designated to provide support to victims of crime in Manitoba, as defined in the Canadian Victims’ Bill of Rights. For more information, visit the Federal Government’s CVBR page, or contact Manitoba Justice Victim Services at 204-945-6851, or toll-free 1-866-484-2846.
Help for Victims of Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Images
It is illegal in Canada for a person to distribute an intimate image of another person without that person’s consent. Find more information about Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Images and options available to you.
Support for parents of missing children
The death or disappearance of a child is a devastating experience. The federal government offers additional support for parents of missing or murdered children. For more information, click below.
Victim Services Complaints Process
The Victims’ Bill of Rights provides a complaints process for victims who feel they have not been treated fairly by the justice system. The complaints process allows you to have the director of Victim Services investigate your complaint. Because of your complaint, the agency may introduce new procedures to correct future problems. Making a complaint cannot change the outcome of a case.
For more information, download the Complaints Process fact sheet.