Manitoba Provincial Parks Cottage Program

Conservation Officer Career

Manitoba Parks – Cottage Program, is responsible for the administration of approximately 6200, vacation home lots within Manitoba’s provincial parks. Vacation home lots located on Crown land typically maintain a lease (or annual permit) with the province; however, some provincial parks also contain titled private land. The Provincial Parks Act and the regulations apply to both Crown lands and private lands within provincial parks.

The Cottager’s Handbook

Is a comprehensive guide available to cottage owners in provincial parks. The guide provides a summary of essential information on leases and permits, developing vacation home lots, onsite wastewater management system, basic fire safety and park district contact information.


The office at 258 Portage is unable to accept annual invoice payments made by cash or credit card. Cheques will be accepted. In-person payments for annual invoicing is available at the Environment and Climate Change office at 1181 Portage Avenue.

Walk-up service is unavailable the Manitoba Parks office at 258 Portage Avenue; contact us to make an appointment. Payment for development applications can be made via credit card in person or over the phone. Cheques can be submitted via mail. 

Winnipeg Office
Manitoba Parks
Cottage & Commercial Program
258 Portage Ave - 4th Floor (Box 51)
Winnipeg MB, R3C 0B6

Contact Information
Phone: 204-945-8872
Fax: 204-945-0012

Program Updates and Additional Information

Manitoba provincial park invoices for 2024/25 are being prepared and will be sent to clients towards the end of January 2025. Please see the Provincial Park Annual Invoicing – Additional Information and Frequently Asked Questions document for more information.

Manitoba water level and flow measurements are taken throughout waterways contributing to the hydroelectric system. These level readings are from hydrometric gauging stations managed by Manitoba Hydro and Water Survey of Canada. Level readings around the Winnipeg River system can be found on Manitoba Hydro’s external webpage via the following link: Water levels & flows (

After three years of an annual 2% increase to park district service fees and Crown land rent, Manitoba Parks notified cottagers that fees will be frozen at the 2023 invoiced rates and reflected as such on their annual fee invoices in January 2024.

On April 25, 2023, the Manitoba government signed a memorandum of understanding with the Manitoba Provincial Park Cabin Owners Association to advance and modernize a collaborative approach to address the interests of approximately 6,200 cottage owners within Manitoba’s provincial parks.

The MOU is intended to provide Manitoba and the MPPCOA with a framework for advancing discussions in the development of a fee structure for the collection of land lease fees and a service fees model, whereby cottagers pay a fair, equitable, transparent, and sustainable share of lease and service fees in relation to all other park users. These discussions are ongoing.

Vacation Home Development

When considering new development on a vacation home lot located within Manitoba’s Provincial Parks, review the development guidelines found in The Cottager's Handbook for Manitoba Provincial Parks - 3rd Edition.

If your vacation home lot is located within the Hecla Historic Village, a separate Resident's Handbook outlines conditions for the development of your lot that includes design and development guidelines that are unique to this area, reflecting the history of previous island settlements. These guidelines are found within the following Handbook:

Additional Development Guidelines

Survey Certificate Requirements – New Cottage Construction

Survey certificates are beneficial in the planning of vacation home lot and assists in determining the exact location of lot boundaries in relation to existing developments. Manitoba Parks highly recommends that an owner or occupier obtain a survey prior to commencing any development on a vacation home lot.

Survey Certificates are required to be submitted along with a site plan permit application for new cottage construction. Existing survey certificates may be accepted at the discretion of Manitoba Parks. 

Maximum Over Water Development – Lakefront Lots

To reduce overdevelopment on shorelines within provincial parks, Manitoba Parks is restricting overwater development to a maximum of 850 square feet. Existing developments that exceed this maximum will be considered as existing non-conforming and allowed to remain until such a time of major repair, replacement or upon receiving notice from the department.

Existing Septic Fields

Vacation home lots with road access, are required to maintain a holding tank to manage the lot’s wastewater. In some instances, older developments utilize a septic field. In general, existing septic fields will be allowed to remain until such time the system shows signs of failure, at the time of new cottage construction or proposed cottage renovations that increases the loading on the septic system, such as additional washrooms or plumbing fixtures.

New Independent Dock Sites for Back-tier Cottagers

The Parks Branch has recently conducted an internal program review of how our office receives and reviews applications for new independent dock sites within Manitoba’s provincial parks. At this time, the Branch has suspended the acceptance of all unsolicited site plan permit applications for new independent dock sites until such time the department can fully review its policies and procedures within respect to public reserve development.   

Site Plan Permit Applications

A Site Plan Permit is required for the construction of a new building, alteration or addition to an existing building or structure, on a lot or on a public reserve area within a Provincial Park. To obtain a site plan permit, you must submit a Site Plan Permit Application to Manitoba Parks.

Additional application forms may be necessary based on the nature of the development, in addition to the site plan permit.

Tip: An onsite lot inspection may be required as part of the review of your development application.  To avoid any delays in the processing of your application, ensure all property pins are clearly marked for the inspector.

When do I Require a Provincial Parks Permit?
A Provincial Parks Permit is issued by your local district office, and is typically required for the following activities on a vacation home lot:

  • Installation of a holding tank;
  • Removal of trees located within side-yard buffers;
  • Landscaping projects;
  • Shoreline erosion control;
  • Demolition;
  • Driveways construction;
  • Drilling of foundations, wells or water lines.

More information on how to request a Provincial Parks Permit will be posted soon.  

Building Permit Applications - Inspection Technical Services Manitoba

As the jurisdiction having authority, Manitoba Parks determines when a building permit is required.  Inspections Technical Services (ITS) Manitoba, issues building permits, on behalf of Manitoba Parks.

In general, a building permit is required if your structure is greater than 108 square feet. Building permit applications may also require a Letter of Assurance of Professional Design.

Building and plumbing permit applications, and the Letter of Assurance of Professional Design forms are located on the ITS website.

Contact Information:
Inspection and Technical Services Manitoba
Phone: 204-945-3373

Inspection and Technical Services (ITS) Manitoba will no longer accept old applications with the former name Office of the Fire Commissioner.

Note: If your vacation home lot is located within Poplar Bay Provincial Park, please note that the Winnipeg River Planning District issues a Building Permit for development in this area, and not Inspection and Technical Services.

Developing on the Public Reserve

On lakefront lots, owners and occupiers can submit an application for a Site Plan Permit to construct a number of structures on the public reserve, such as a boathouse, a boat-port, storage shed, gazebo, pump-house, docks, boatlifts and rail systems.

When considering developing a public reserve, incorporating natural vegetative features into your shoreline such as planting deep rooted native grasses, shrubs, and trees to help naturalize the shoreline, and to improve the natural bank stability is encouraged. Maintaining a buffer zone as a "no-mow" area will allow the plant roots to penetrate the soil and provide long-term shoreline protection.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada have also established timing windows to conduct work in or around water. Timing windows are one of the many measures used to protect fish and fish habitat when carrying out a project near water. It is recommended that you follow these measures to reduce impacts to fish and fish habitat.

The use of wood treated with creosote or pentachlorophenylin in construction near water is a violation under The Environment Act. Copper chromium arsenate, the most commonly used material in treated wood products, is a preferred product.

More Information

Onsite Wastewater Management Systems - OWMS

If you are considering a new installation or alteration to an existing onsite wastewater management system (OWMS), please check the OWMS Program website to find information on regulatory requirements, design and installation standards, and registration forms. You can also contact your local Environment Officer if you have any questions or require assistance. Information regarding the use or care of your OWMS can be found on the website and in the Homeowner's Manual for Onsite Wastewater Management Systems

Septic Fields in Provincial Parks

Vacation home lots with road access, are required to maintain a holding tank to manage the lots wastewater. In some instances, cottages in older subdivisions may have a septic field. If a vacation home lot has a septic field, a lessee should be aware of the following situations that would require the installation of a holding tank.  

  • No Concerns

    If the system shows no signs of failure, it will be allowed to remain as an existing non-conforming system. The system will be allowed to remain until such time it shows signs of failure, new cottage construction or when a proposed cottage renovation increases the loading on the septic system, such as additional washrooms or plumbing fixtures. 

  • Identified Concerns

    In the event a septic field becomes over saturated, shows signs of developing sunken areas or has a noticeable smell, a lessee may be required to have the system assessed by a qualified installer to ensure the system is in good working order. The results of the assessment, will determine if a holding tank is required.

  • Failure of System

    If the system has failed (i.e., visible effluent on the ground), the local Environmental Officer will be notified. Notice to the lessee will be given that a new holding tank is to be installed, typically within one year from the date of inspection.

*Septic Fields located on remote vacation home lots are managed on a case-by-case basis.

Vacation Home Lots with Water Under Pressure

If your vacation home lot is serviced by either a well or by a pump which draws water from the lake, you are required to have all greywater directed into a holding tank.

Leases and Permits

Typically, occupiers of vacation home lots on Crown land in provincial parks enter into a lease agreement with the province called a Parks Vacation Home Lease (PVHL).  In some cases, occupiers may choose to maintain an annual Parks Vacation Home Permit (PVHP). Each PVHL agreement will set out an expiry date, are 21-year terms, and contain provisions that allow for a renewal of one additional term.

Manitoba Parks recommends that you become familiar with the terms and conditions of your lease or permit.
See "Lease Administration Forms" drop-down below

Real Estate Services Branch

Established April 1, 2006, the Real Estate Services Branch (RESB) is the single point of service for all transactions involving Government of Manitoba provincially owned Crown lands, including but not limited to the administration of parks vacation home leases and permits within Manitoba’s provincial parks.

Contact Information:
Real Estate Services Branch
308 – 25 Tupper Street North
Portage la Prairie MB R1N 3K1

Phone: 204-239-3510
Toll Free: 1-866-210-9589
Fax: 204-239-3560
Forms: See "Lease Administration Forms" drop-down below

On behalf of Manitoba Parks, RESB is responsible for the administration of the following: 

  • Annual invoicing;
  • Transferring a vacation home lease or permit (Assignments); 
  • Collateral recordings for security purposes;
  • Issuance of new leases for lots obtained through the First-Come, First-Served cottage lot program;
  • Lease renewals; and
  • Records of titled private lands in Provincial parks, as registered with the Land Titles Office.

Lease Renewal

Typically, an occupier of vacation home lot located on Crown land in a provincial park enters into a lease agreement called a Parks Vacation Home Lease (PVHL). Each lease agreement will set out an expiry date of the agreement and contain provisions that allow for a renewal of one additional term. Lease terms are 21 years.

At the end of this first term, the agreement may be renewed for one additional term of the same terms and conditions, provided there has been no default by the Lessee. The Real Estate Services Branch (RESB) will initiate the renewal process.

The requirements for a lease renew are:

  • Receiving the renewal application form
  • Onsite field inspection
  • Reviewing field inspection results
  • Processing the renewal application
Renewal Application Form
  • Approximately six (6) months prior to the expiration of a lease agreement, RESB will mail lessees:
    • A lease renewal application form; and
    • An Application Addendum for each lot holder.
  • Lessees must complete and return these forms to initiate the renewal process.

Note:  At time of renewal you have the opportunity to review the tenancy of your lease agreement.  If no tenancy change is noted on the renewal application, the tenancy will remain in its current status. If you are unsure of which tenancy is most suitable in your situation, you may wish to consider seeking legal advice.  For more information on your current tenancy, please contact RESB.

  • Joint Tenants: - Two or more people, who each hold an undivided equal interest in the property.  After death, the surviving tenant(s) acquire(s) the deceased tenant’s interest.
  • Tenants in Common: - Two or more people who each hold an undivided interest in the property.  Each tenant may occupy the land in common with the others.  Each tenant may dispose of their interest by will or deed.  There is no right of survivorship.
Onsite Field Inspections
  • Annually, as part of the renewal process, Manitoba Parks will conduct site inspections of all vacation home lots set to expire during that year. 
  • Inspections are conducted by Park staff and are not scheduled. There is no requirement for the lessee to attend or arrange an inspection.
  • When conducting lot inspections, staff typically consider the following:
    • If a lot is marked with a lot and block number, visible year-round from the road and water (if applicable);
      • In some cases, subdivisions utilize a ‘civic address’ numbering system (speak with the local district office if unsure).
    • Condition of lot and structures;
    • Type of onsite wastewater management system (i.e., holding tank);
    • Water source (i.e., well, lake or cistern);
    • Any unauthorized development;
    • Any development on the public reserve for lakefront lots; and
    • Any approved independent public reserve development, associated with a back-tier lease.

Note:  In the event of an emergency, having the lot and block number displayed assists emergency services when responding to calls, whether it be by road or water.

Note: Septic Fields
Vacation home lots with road access, are required to maintain a holding tank to manage the lots wastewater. In some instances, older developments may have a septic field. If during a field inspection a septic field is observed, one of the following may occur:

  • No Concerns

    If no concerns are observed by the inspector, the system will be allowed to remain as an existing non-conforming system and typically the lease will be renewed. The system will be allowed to remain until such time it shows signs of failure, new cottage construction or when a proposed cottage renovation increases the loading on the septic system, such as additional washrooms or plumbing fixtures.

  • Identified Concerns

    If an inspector has concerns with the system i.e., saturated or sunken areas or smell, but no effluent is observed, notice will be given to the lessee to have the septic system assessed by a qualified installer to ensure it is in good working order. Typically, the results of the assessment will need to be submitted within one year from the date of inspection. RESB will continue with the lease renewal process once a letter of commitment is signed.

    In the event that a septic field encroaches onto an adjacent vacation home lot, identified through a survey certificate, notice to the lessee will be given that a new holding tank is to be installed, typically within one year from the date of inspection. RESB will continue with the lease renewal process once a letter of commitment is signed.

  • Failure of System

    If the system has failed (i.e., visible effluent on the ground), the local Environmental Officer will be notified. Notice to the lessee will be given that a new holding tank is to be installed, typically within one year from the date of inspection. Lease will be held until the holding tank is installed.

    *Septic Fields located on remote vacation home lots are managed on a case-by-case basis.

Field Inspection Report Review
  • Depending on the issues identified, Manitoba Parks may take the following steps:
  • Prepare a letter of commitment in address of minor issues and proceed with sending unsigned copies of the lease; or
  • Place a hold on the lease renewal until the major issues are addressed.
  • All identified issues will be communicated to the lessee(s) in writing.
  • Once Manitoba Parks and RESB are satisfied that a lease can be renewed, RESB will proceed to finalizing the lease renewal.
Processing the Lease Renewal Application
  • Lease renewals will not be finalized until all outstanding amounts on a lessee’s account have been paid in full. 
  • If the process of renewing a lease extends beyond the lease term expiry date, the lease is considered a pending renewal and will remain valid within the Crown Lands Registry System.
  • Lease provisions remain in an implied state and staff will work to finalize the lease renewal process. Upon renewal, RESB will update both commencement and expiration dates.
  • Upon receiving both copies of the signed lease agreement, and signed letter of commitment (if applicable), RESB will engage in finalizing the lease renewal agreement.
  • RESB will provide the lessee(s) with a copy of their finalized lease renewal by mail.

Additional Information

Loss of Original Lease Documents

If you are unable to locate your valid lease agreement, a certified copy can be requested by submitting an Affidavit Loss of Lease form and the $40.00 application fee to RESB. 

First-Come, First-Served Cottage Lot Program

Manitoba provides a variety of opportunities to enter into a lease agreement for a vacation home lot located within a Provincial Park.  Find out more about cottage lot draws and availability through the First-Come, First-Served Cottage Lot Inventory.

More Information

Undeveloped Lots

When obtaining a new undeveloped lot through the First-Come, First-Served Cottage Lot program, a lessee is required to construct a cottage to lock-up stage (exterior completed) within 24 months. The exterior is considered complete when doors, windows, exterior siding, and roofing material has been installed.

On vacation home lots where the cottage structure has been demolished, or otherwise removed, a lessee must construct a new cottage structure to lock-up stage within 24 months. Manitoba Parks will not assign leases with undeveloped lots, except on compassionate grounds (i.e., death).

Lease Searches and Assignments

The Real Estate Services Branch (RESB) of the Government of Manitoba is the single point of service for all transactions involving provincially owned Crown lands, which includes provincial parks.  An Assignment is required when selling or purchasing a cottage, or if transferring, adding, or removing a name on an existing vacation home lease or permit. 

Search Request

Prior to engaging the assignment process, a complimentary Search Request is recommended and can be obtained from the Real Estate Services Branch (RESB). The request is beneficial since it will:

  • confirm lease or permit particulars,
  • provide account/annual fee information,
  • provide a list of assignment requirements; and
  • advise of any outstanding work orders and/orcollateral recordings applicable to the lease or permit.

Owners and occupiers or, lawyers, realtors and financial institutions acting on behalf of a lot holder, may submit a search request for the following purposes:

  • Vacation home lease or permit status update
  • Purpose of/for Sale Agreement
  • Collateral recording status update
  • Inquiries for building liens
Submitting the Search Request

All Search Requests must include the following information:

  • Legal description of the lot (ex. Lot, Block, Plan and Lake)
  • Lease number and lot holder name(s) (if available)
  • For whom the requestor is acting (e.g., buyer or seller)
  • Purpose of the search

Send the request to the Real Estate Services Branch (RESB) by either email or fax.

RESB Fax: 204-239-3560
RESB Email: 

All realtors representing the Lessee must also provide a copy of the Realtor Sales Agreement. Requestors that are not representing the lessee or permittee will only be provided search results if they are a legal representative of a purchaser or collateral holder.
Search Results Sample

Survey Certificates

Survey certificates are beneficial in the planning of vacation home lots and assists in determining the exact location of lot boundaries in relation to existing developments. Surveys also assist both sellers and purchasers in understanding the current development on vacation home lots. It is strongly recommended that a Surveyor’s Staking and Building Location Certificate be obtained prior to the assignment of a vacation home lease, as any encroachment issues will be the responsibility of the current lessee. This recommendation also applies to privately owned lots.

Lease or Permit Assignment

Manitoba Parks considers there to be three types of Assignments for vacation home leases:

  1. Standard - upon sale of the vacation home or to add/remove a name from a lease or permit.
    • Standard assignment will include leases held as Tenants in Common or Sole Lessee
  2. Security Purposes (financial) - to register a collateral recording for security purposes.
  3. Joint Tenants/Death - to remove an individual from the lease or permit due to a death, where the lease or permit is held as Joint Tenants

To understand the difference between Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common, see additional information below.

To avoid delays, it is important to understand what type of Assignment is applicable in your situation. Ensure all the necessary (most current) forms, fees, supplementary information, and documents are submitted as part of the assignment application package. All outstanding amounts owing must be paid in full prior to an Assignment being processed or approved. 

All required Assignment forms and other required documents can be found under the "Lease Administration Forms" section below.

Assignment Forms Checklist

Use the checklist to ensure all the required documents are submitted.

Standard Assignment

  • Assignment Form for Parks Vacation Home Lease or Permit (in duplicate, on legal size paper – no photocopies)
  • Parks Vacation Home Lease, original valid (no photocopies)
  • Chief Place of Residency Declaration – one form for all Assignee(s)
  • Application Addendum Declaration – one form for each new Assignee
  • $40.00 application fee (cheque payable to the Minister of Finance)

In the case of death (tenant in common or sole lessee/permittee), the following documents are required in addition to those listed above:

  • An original or notarized copy of the Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration

Security Purposes Assignment (Financial)

  • Assignment Form for Security Purposes (2 original signed copies)
  • $40.00 application fee (cheque payable to the Minister of Finance)

Note: For information on collateral recording discharges, please see the Additional Information section below.

Joint Tenants/Death Assignment  

  • An original or notarized copy of Death Certificate or Funeral Directors Statement
  • Original valid Parks Vacation Home Lease (no photocopies)
  • $40.00 application fee (cheque payable to the Minister of Finance)

Submit all forms by mail to:

Real Estate Services Branch
308 – 25 Tupper Street North
Portage la Prairie MB R1N 3K1

Contact Information:
Real Estate Services Branch
Phone: 204-239-3510
Toll Free: 1-866-210-9589

Additional Information

Privately Owned Lots
For the sale of privately owned lot within a Provincial Park, a copy of the new Title (obtained through Manitoba Land Titles), must be submitted to RESB, and the account paid in full. 

Discharge of a Collateral Recording
Collateral Recordings can be discharged by the collateral holder by way of letter mailed to the Real Estate Services Branch. If a financial institution, the request for discharge must be on the financial institutions letterhead and must reference the electronic ID provided on the original collateral documents. If you are unable to locate the electronic ID, you can request a search from RESB to obtain the particulars.

Please note that when there is a collateral recording on a lease that is being assigned, a discharge will be a condition of the assignment and is required to be submitted to RESB within an appropriate timeframe.

When assigning a lease, please review and understand the definitions of each Tenancy option, and carefully select what best suits your individual situation. If you are unsure of which tenancy is most suitable in your situation, you may wish to consider seeking legal advice. 

Tenancy Definitions:

Joint Tenants:  Two or more people, who each hold an undivided equal interest in the property. After death, the surviving tenant(s) acquire(s) the deceased tenant’s interest.

Tenants in Common:  Two or more people who each hold an undivided interest in the property. Each tenant may occupy the land in common with the others. Each tenant may dispose of their interest by will or deed. There is no right of survivorship.

Individual: Only one person who holds all interest in the property

Corporation:  A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such by law. Proof of valid articles of incorporation required.

Lease Administration Forms

Please be aware of the following: 

  • Applications that are not printed on 8 ½” x 14” (legal) where indicated WILL NOT be accepted by Real Estate Services Branch 
  • Illegible applications will be rejected and returned to sender
  • Applications with white-out will be rejected and returned to sender
  • Please visit this website for the most current and up-to-date forms.  Any outdated forms used may be rejected at the Real Estate Services Branch discretion

Forms Available:

Must be printed on 8 ½” x 14” sized paper (legal)

May be printed on 8 ½” by 11” sized paper (letter)

Other Resources:

Parks Vacation Home Lot Program and Available Inventory

Manitoba Parks provides a variety of opportunities to enter into a lease agreement for a vacation home lot within a Provincial Park. When new cottage lots become available to the public, these lots are offered through the Cottage Lot Draw process.

In the event that new cottage lots are not selected through the draw process, the remaining lots become part of the First-Come, First-Served Cottage Lot Inventory. A current listing of lots available on a first-come, first-served basis can be found below.

Cottage Lot Draws

There are no new announcements at this time, please continue to check this webpage for updates.

First-Come, First-Served Cottage Lot Program Inventory
Updated: January 10, 2025
Subdivision Lot Block Plan Type Price
(does not include GST)
Black's Point-Phase III 9 4 14314 Back Tier $1,500.00 LEASED
10 7 14314 Back Tier $1,500.00
11 7 14314 Back Tier $1,500.00
Islandview North 2 1 14979 Back Tier $1,500.00
10 6 14979 Back Tier $1,500.00
Islandview South 1 1 15021 Back Tier $1,500.00
2 1 15021 Back Tier $1,500.00
3 1 15021 Back Tier $1,500.00
South Beach 16 4 16799 Back Tier $1,500.00
Zed Lake 21 1 8443 Back Tier $1,500.00
22 1 8443 Back Tier $1,500.00

Subdivision information can be found by clicking on the name of the subdivisions. Lots listed in the existing inventory are open for application now! Download the Information Package for the First-Come, First-Served Cottage Lot Program, which includes program details and frequently asked questions.

In person applications can be made at Real Estate Services Branch, 308-25 Tupper Street North, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba.

Please be advised that both the $42.00 ($40+GST) application fee as well as the $1,500.00 lot development fee are required at time of application. Failure to remit payment of fees will result in your application being rejected.

All required applications and other required documents can be found under the “Lease Administrations Forms” section above.

Obtaining a New Leased Lot within a Provincial Park
Any future cottager, who obtains an undeveloped lot through either the draw or first-come, first-served program, will be issued a lease. The lease will specify the time (24 months) in which the cottage must be completed to “Lock-Up Stage”. Lock-up stage is considered complete when doors, windows, finished exterior siding, and shingles or other roofing material has been installed.

Undeveloped lots will not be assigned, except on compassionate grounds (e.g. the death or severe disability of a lessee). More information regarding buying, selling or transferring your Lot can be found within The Cottagers Handbook documents for Manitoba's Provincial Parks.

Park District Contact Information

District Offices
Contact a district office for information about your lot dealing with such topics as lot boundaries, public reserves area, concerns about your neighbours, garbage, roads, problem wildlife, enforcement, brush disposal, wildfires, firewood, etc.

Manitoba Parks Branch
For information relating to your lease, permit, fees, invoices, variances, and Site Plan or Building Permits, contact the Manitoba Parks Branch at 204-945-8872, 1-800-282-8069 or

Eastern Region


District Office

Contact Information

Barren lake 
Caddy Lake 
Falcon Lake 
Florence Lake 
Hunt Lake 
Nason Lake 
Nora Lake/Ophir 
Star Lake 
West Hawk Lake 



Falcon Lake



(204) 349-2201

Moose Lake


(204) 437-2348

Brereton Lake 
Green Lake 
Jessica Lake 
Red Rock Lake 
White Lake 
Big Whiteshell Lake 




(204) 369-3153

Barrier Bay 
Betula Lake 
Dorothy Lake 
Eleanor Lake 
George Lake 
Nutimik Lake 
Otter Falls 


Seven Sisters


(204) 348-4004

Beresford Lake 
Bird Lake 
Booster Lake 
Davidson Lake 
Flanders Lake 
Lac Du Bonnet 
Long Lake 
Pointe Du Bois 
Poplar Bay 
Wallace Lake 



Lac Du Bonnet


(204) 345-1400

Central Region


District Office

Contact Information

Beaver Creek 
Black’s Point 
Hecla Island 
Islandview North 
Islandview South 
North Cliffs 
South Beach 
White Sands 






(204) 378-2945

Grand Beach 

Grand Beach

(204) 754-5040

Western Region


District Office

Contact Information

Childs Lake 
East Blue Lake 
Glad Lake 
Singush Lake 
Wellman Lake 


Swan River


(204) 734-3429

Max Lake 
Bower Lake 


(204) 534-2028

Northern Region


District Office

Contact Information

Bakers Narrows 

The Pas

(204) 627-8287

Paint Lake


(204) 677-6640

Burge Lake
Zed Lake

Lynn Lake

(204) 356-2413