Extending Livestock Feed Supplies Section Six

Table of Contents

Chemical Residue Danger

Residues on chemically treated fields can harm livestock feeding on green crops or straw. This table summarizes label restrictions for herbicides recommended for cereal or forage crops. Consult product labels for specific information and for other crops.

Product Grazing Restrictions
2,4-D Cobutox 600 Embutox 425 Caliber 400 Do not permit lactating dairy animals to graze fields withing 7 days of application. Do not harvest forage or cut for hay within 30 days of application. Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter.
Absolute Do not graze treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Accent Do not graze treated crops or cut hay.
Accord Do not graze or cut for feed within 77 days of application.
Achieve 80 DG Timothy and treated cereal crops must not be grazed or cut for feed within 16 days of treatment. Straw from treated crops may be fed to livestock. Treated forage grasses grown for seed production must not be grazed or cut for feed. Do not graze other treated forage crops in the year of treatment (except Timothy).
Achieve Extra Gold Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed within 30 days of application.
Afolan F Lorox Toss-N-Go Linuron 480 Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Ally Toss-N-Go + 2,4-D Do not graze for 24 hours after treatment.
Amitrol-T Do not graze treated crops or seeds or use for hay or feed.
Assert 300 SC Do not graze treated fields or cut treated forage for silage or hay. Matured barley and wheat grain or straw from fields treated with Assert can be fed to livestock. Do not feed or graze treated annual rye grass.
Assure II Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Atrazine Do not graze or cut for feed before ear emergence.
Attain Do not permit lactating dairy animals to graze fields within 7 days of application. Do not harvest forage or cut for hay within 30 days of application. Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter.
Avadex BW Avadex Micro Active Do not graze the treated crop or use as hay or feed prior to crop maturity. Do not graze or feed treated forage crops in year of treatment.
Avenge 200 C Do not graze or feed treated cereal crop for 8 weeks after treatment. Do not graze or feed treated forages in the year of treatment. Straw from treated fields can be fed to livestock 8 weeks after application.
Banvel II Canaryseed - Use only as bird seed.Corn - Do not graze cattle or harvest for silage until 7 days after treatment of Banvel or Banvel + 2,4-D amine. Cereals, seedling grasses pasture - If treated vegetation has been consumed by meat animals within 30 days of Banvel application, feed the animal an untreated diet for 30 days before slaughter. Meat animals may graze or feed of treated pasture 30 days after Banvel application with restriction on slaughter. Dairy cattle - no restrictions. Use the following up to 0.5L/acre guidelines for feeding Banvel II treated forage to dairy animals.
Rate/Acre Daily between treatment and haymaking/grazing (days)
Up to 0.5 L 0.5 L to 0.93 L
0.93 L to 1.86 L
1.86 L to 2.87 L
Basagran Do not graze the treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Bladex L Bladex 90 DF Do not graze or harvest for livestock feed prior to crop maturity.
Buctril M Mextrol 400 M Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Casoron Do not graze in treated area.
Champion Extra Champion120 Extra Do not graze treated crop or cut for hay.
Champion Plus Do not graze treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Compas 480 EC Do not use treated cereal crops for grazing or livestock feed or cut for forage until 30 days after application. Do not use treated Navigator Canola varieties for feed or forage until 71 days after application.
Curtail M Do not graze treated fields within 7 days of application.
Dual II Magnum Do not graze the treated fields within 7 days of application.
Dy Cleer Restrictions for grazing and harvesting treated areas for hay are as follows: Dairy up to 0.5 L - no restrictions 0.5 L to 0.93 L - wait 7 days 0.93 L to 1.86 L - wait 14 days 1.86 L to 2.87 L - wait 30 days Meat animals - if treated vegetation is consumed within 30 days of treatment, feed animals untreated forage for 30 days before slaughter. No restrictions if treated forage is fed 30 days after treatment.
DyVel Do not graze treated crop within 20 days of application.
Dyvel DS Do not graze or harvest for livestock feed within 30 days of application. Do not permit lactating dairy animals to graze fields within 7 days of application. Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter.
Eclipse Allow 30 to 5 days before grazing treated areas.
Edge Do not graze or cut treated crops for livestock feed prior to crop maturity.
Eptam 8-E Do not graze or feed treated crops to livestock.
Eradicane 8-E Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to ear emergence.
Escort May be grazed on the day of treatment.
Estaprop Turboprop 600 Dichlorprop-D Estaprop - Do not graze the treated crop or harvest for hay or feed within 40 days of applications. Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter. Dichlorprop-D/Turdoprop 600 - Do not graze treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Everest Do not graze treated fields. Mature grain or straw may be fed to livestock.
Express Pack Express TNG Do not graze or feed to livestock within 7 days of application.
Flax Max Ultra Do not graze the treated crop or cut for livestock feed.
Fortress Do not graze or cut treated crops for livestock feed prior to crop maturity.
Freedom Gold Must not be grazed or fed to livestock within 74 days of application.
Frontier Do not graze or feed the treated corn crop within 40 days of application. Do not graze the treated bean crop or feed bean forage, hay or straw to livestock.
Frontline Do not graze treated crop or cut for feed within 7 days of application.
Fusion Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Glyphosate Roundup Laredo Renegade Victor Do not graze or cut for hay any crops treated with Touchdown XP. All portions of crops treated with other products may be fed to livestock.
Gramoxone Do not graze or harvest treated foliage. Regrowth from treated alfalfa or bird’s-foot trefoil may be fed to livestock.
Harmony Total Do not graze or harvest treated crops for forage within 3 days of application.
Hoe-Grass 284 Do not graze or cut for feed treated cereal crops prior to crop maturity. Do not feed treated forages in the year of treatment. Do not feed sainfoin or alsike clover for the life of the stand.
Hoe-Grass II Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Horizon Do not graze or harvest treated crops for forage within 3 days of application.
Horizon BTM Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed within 30 days of application.
K2 Do not graze treated fields. Mature grain or straw may be fed to livestock.
Kerb 50 W Do not graze or harvest for livestock feed within 60 days of application.
Laddok Do not graze the treated crop or cut for hay prior to crop maturity.
Laser DF Do not graze or cut treated crops for forage prior to crop maturity.
Liberty Do not graze the treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Linuron Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Lontrel Crops or areas treated with this product may be grazed immediately following treatment.
Mataven L Do not graze or harvest immature crops for feed. Do not graze or harvest forage crops for feed in the year of treatment.
MCPA Do not graze within 7 days of application.
MCPB + MCPA Do not graze treated crop or cut for hay in the year of establishment. Cereals or pastures treated with Tropotox may be used for grazing or cut for greenfeed or hay 30 days after application.
Mecoprop Do not graze of feed treated crop to livestock prior to crop maturity.
Muster Gold Muster Gold II Do not graze or feed treated crop to livestock prior to crop maturity.
Muster Toss-N-Go Do not graze or feed crop to livestock within 60 days of application.
Odyssey Do not graze treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity. Field peas may be fed to livestock 30 days after application.
Pardner Koril 235 Do not graze treated wheat, barley, oats or seedling alfalfa crops or cut for feed within 30 days of application. Do not graze other treated crops or cut for hay prior to crop maturity.
Pea Pack Do not graze treated crop within 30 days of application, or peas within 70 days.
Pinnacle Do not graze or cut for feed.
Poast Ultra Do not graze the treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity. Forage legumes may be cut after the specified preharvest interval. Preharvest Interval - 30 days for forage legumes; 60 days for dry peas, flax; 65 days for lentils and chickpeas; 70 days for canola, chickling vetch and alfalfa; 80 days for potatoes, dry beans, soybeans, fababeans; 86 days for Solin - low linolenic flax; 90 days for safflower.
Prevail Do not graze treated crops or cut for livestock feed. Do not feed straw treated with Prevail.
Primextra II Magnum Do not graze or cut corn for feed before ear emergence.
Princep Nine-T Simazine 480 Simazine 80W In forage stands, allow 30 days between application and grazing, 60 days between application and cutting for feed.
Puma 120 Super Do not graze or cut for hay, crops that have been treated with Puma 120 Super.
Puma Super Do not graze or cut for hay, crops that have been treated with Puma Super.
Pursuit Do not graze or harvest seedling alfalfa within 14 days of treatment. Do not graze other treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity. Do not graze or harvest fields peas for feed within 30 days.
Pursuit Ultra Do Not graze treated area prior to crop maturity.
Refine Extra Toss-N-Go Must not be grazed or fed to livestock for 7 days after treatment.
Reflex Do not graze treated crop or cut for hay; there is insufficient data for such use.
Reglone Dessicant Crop residues remaining after harvest may be fed to livestock.
Remedy EC For lactating dairy animals - Rates below 1.9 L/acre - treated areas may be grazed or harvested for greenfeed 14 days after treatment. Label rates greater than 1.9 L/acre - restrict grazing or greenfeed for 60 days following treatment. Do not harvest treated area for 60 days after treatment. For other livestock - Rates below 1.0 L/acre - There is no restriction on grazing or harvesting treated area for greenfeed but do no harvest treated area for hay for 7 days after treatment. Label rates greater than 1.9 L/acre - restrict grazing and harvest for greenfeed or hay for 14 days following treatment. If less than 25% of grazed area is treated, there is no grazing restriction for other livestock.
Reward Do not use water for animal consumption for 24 hours after application.
Rustler Do not graze treated areas or cut for feed.
Select Do not graze or cut treated crops for forage until 60 days after application of Select to annual crops, and 30 days after application to alfalfa.
Sencor Evict Do not graze treated cereal crops within 30 days of application, or peas and lentils within 70 days of application
Simazine In forage stands, allow 30 days between application and grazing, 60 days between application and cutting for feed.
Spectrum Do not graze treated crop or cut for feed within 7 days of application
Stampede EDF + 2,4-D or MCPA Do not graze treated crops or cut for hay prior to crop maturity.
Target Sword Do not graze or harvest for livestock feed within 7 days or application.
Thumper Do not graze or cut for livestock feed within 30 days of application. Withdraw meat animals 3 days before slaughter.
Tordon 22K Do not graze lactating dairy animals within 6 weeks after treatment. There are no grazing restrictions for other livestock. Do not use manure from animals grazing treated forage to fertilize susceptible plants or crops.
Trifluralin (Green and Yellow Foxtail Control in Cereals) Do not graze the treated crop or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Trifluralin (Broadleaf and Grassy Weed Control) Do not graze the treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Triumph Plus Do not graze treated crops or cut for feed prior to crop maturity.
Velpar DF Do not graze the treated crop or cut for feed.
Venture Do not graze crops or cut for hay in the year of treatment.

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